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3 pages/≈825 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Review of a Health Problem

Essay Instructions:
What do you consider the greatest current health problem? Write a 3 page review on the topic, beginning with an opening paragraph on why you think it is the greatest problem. Second, using two references on the topic, discuss four main points from the selected references. Finally, end the report by summing up your thoughts (reflection) on what the sources revealed on the topic. Please include a separate work cited page and a copy of the original articles. Please summarize the contents of the articles by pointing out the main points in the first (2-2.5 pages) and complete the review by providing a reflection (your thoughts) on the topic (at least ½ page). *In addition to a work cited page, please include a copy the original articles.
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Health Problems
Obesity (excessive body weight) is the greatest current health problem since it causes a variety of diseases that reduce the life expectancy. Obesity refers to a health situation where there is excess fat accumulation in the body which is measured by the Body Mass Index (BMI). Among the diseases that can be caused by obesity, include heart related diseases, certain types of cancer among others. Obesity is caused by excess high calorie intake, lack of physical activity and in some cases, it is attributed to genetic makeup of the victim. Obesity can affect all members of the society irrespective of the age, sex or race. In the US and the globe at large, its negative consequences on the victim`s health are among the highest cause of mortality. It is generally agreed that the best way to avoid obesity is by managing one`s lifestyle. To curb the increasing trend on increasing rate of obesity, it is imperative that all members of the society engage in awareness campaign about the effects of obesity, how avoid and to manage it when it occurs.
According to an online article by Scott, the main cause if obesity is taking calories in excess of what the body requires. This is normally referred to as energy imbalance and the excess calories are transformed into fat which overtime causes obesity. "Tendency for weight gain differs from one person to another due to pre-existing factors like genetics, health problems, general activity level, and mobility issues." (Sc ott, "Obesity FAQ: What Causes Obesity?"). In addition, the individual`s Basal Metabolic Rate influences the manner in which the calories consumed are used in the body. It is imperative for individuals to monitor their calorie intake and calorie output this is due to the fact that, the calories consumed are either used within the body or stored in the body. In reference to the diets consumed, many people do not use the nutritional guidelines and people over eat and ignore consuming a balanced diet in preference junk foods that have high calorie value.
According to the article, Obesity FAQ: What Causes Obesity?, other causes of obesity include genetic factors, illness, medications, psychological issues, environmental factors among others. Among the diseases that can cause obesity, include the Cushing`s disease. Physical inactivity contributes greatly to the increased prevalence of obesity. Physical inactivity is a problem among the families with high income. The children and adults do not engage in physical activity. They drive to work while the children are taken to school to school by the chauffeu...
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