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Relationship between Probiotics and Cancer Prevention

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Hello, I'm in need of a 4 page essay on how probiotics have been linked to cancer prevention. I also require a works cited page for references.
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Relationship between Probiotics and Cancer Prevention.
Over the years, the use of Lactic Acid producing Bacteria (LAB) found in bacteria has been under research on its potential to prevent cancer. It has been considered that they are capable of preventing cancer by inhibiting the overgrowth of normal microbiological flora. Various epidemiological studies show an association between cancer prevention and the use of probiotics. This is because they are able to inhibit the overgrowth of the normal microbiological flora. The overgrowth of the normal microbial flora is known to cause carcinogenic mutations in the human cells causing cancer. The Non-digestible Oligosaccharide (NDO) is a probiotics that is capable of inhibiting the overgrowth of normal microbial flora. This paper will focus on exploring the association between probiotics and cancer prevention.
A probiotics is a live microorganism which gives a health gain to a host when administered in sufficient amounts. There are several bacterial organisms that have been linked to contain probiotics properties due to their ability to produce lactic acid. These include lactobacilli, enterococci, streptococci and bifidobacteria. Other organisms include Aspergillum, fungi and Bacillus which have been shown to produce lactic acid (Wadstrom 21). Probiotics have previously been used for the treatment of postmenopausal syndrome, lactose intolerance, and hypertension. A prebiotic on the other hand, is a non-digestible food product that either stimulates or inhibits the growth of the normal microbiological flora. Synbiotic is the combination of both probiotic and prebiotics. In order to exert its effect, the prebiotics are not hydrolyzed or absorbed from their route of administration. In the gut, they are not hydrolyzed or absorbed from the gut (Wadstrom 54).
Cancer is common, developing at some time in life in more than two-third of the population (Tannis 92). In the Western-World, it is the second most common cause of death after cardiovascular diseases. The occurrence varies depending on age, gender, occupation and geographical variation. In the developing countries, prostate and cervical cancers are the most common cause of death among the cancer patients. The use of chemotherapy and radiation has greatly improved the prognosis of cancer. However, this are associated with multiple side effects which prompts the research for new treatment modalities. The use diets and other bioactive modalities are under research as they have fewer side effects (Jacobs 104).
In colon cancer, prebiotics and probiotics have been shown to have been shown to have a protective role. Prebiotics have been shown to improve metabolism in the distal colon, improve the bowel functions as well as protect against cancer. This has been associated with the production of short chain fatty acid when they are fermented by the gut normal flora. Synbiotics have been shown to be more effective in prevention of cancer of the colon than prebiotics or probiotics alone (Tannis 254).
An epidemiological study indicated that the intestinal bacteria are associated with production of pro-carcinogenic and carcinogenic compounds that predispose one to develop colon cancer (Tannis 87). A similar association has been demonstrated in the development of squamous cell carcinoma of the skin. The use of probiotics has been beneficial in preventing these cancers. It has been demonstrated that probiotics cause a reduction in the environmental pH thus inhibiting the growth of the normal flora. These normal flora organism have been demonstrated to produce enzymes that are converted into carcinogen enzymes (Tannis 89).
The use of yoghurt and milk as an anticancer agent has greatly contributed to the ...
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