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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Personal Healthcare Interaction

Essay Instructions:

Read and power point presentation pages 170-175 in Chapter 7 of the du Pre textbook about the five different types of patient and caregiver roles.


Briefly describe a health care interaction in which you were a patient (do not disclose anything in which you are not comfortable but provide enough detail for someone to analyze the roles of the participants in the interaction; e.g., scenario, dialogue). Then, the most important part of the paper is to analyze your role as a patient and the role of the health care provider (remember to use concepts from du Pre chapter 7). Which one of the five role categories did both participants enact? Provide a rationale for why you believe those were the roles (e.g., use examples from your experiences to support your reasoning that illustrates the concepts). Be sure to bold the course concepts you are using.


No more than two double-spaced pages

12-point Times New Roman font

1-inch margins

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Health Communication
Health Communication
Personal Healthcare Interaction
Last year, I happened to be sick and decided to visit the nearest health center for treatment. I presented my health complaints to the doctor, who was friendly and ready to hear my problem. I complained of feeling tired even when I did not engage in strenuous or tiresome activities. The doctor was determined to know when the act of feeling tiredness started, and he frequently asked questions concerning what I was reporting to him. For example, some of the questions that he asked were about my past medical history, which I was comfortable and confident to tell him due to the rapport that we had made with him. Also, the doctor asked if I had taken any medication regarding my present illness. The response was positive since I had taken CBD oil which acted as an energy supplement. Besides, the doctor conducted a physical exam, whereby he measured my temperature, weight, height, and respiratory rate.
The role of patient
Patients have a critical role in managing their chronic illness, assisting the healthcare professional in forming an accurate diagnosis, and developing an effective treatment plan. Patients have introductory customs that affect all areas of their healthcare and interactions with healthcare practitioners. In the end, it is about their health. Nonetheless, for sustainable health concerns, patient satisfaction cooperation is required. A collaborative care method improves the healthcare plan and outcome measures and improves patient safety. This form of patient involvement can often lead to more acclimatized treatment and preven...
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