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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Our Health Care Crisis: The Doctor

Essay Instructions:

Our Health Care Crisis

Numerous agencies, including governmental and non-profit agencies, are involved in our health care system. We have learned the purpose of various health care agencies and the services offered. This understanding provides students with a knowledge base of how agencies work together and support each other’s mission in providing comprehensive healthcare services to the public. It is important as a health care worker to be knowledgeable about these agencies and services in order to provide consumers with the most accurate information and resources available. This is especially important with our present system, which is in crisis. Many patients cannot afford good health care and wellness. The causes of this crisis are many, but much of it is related to financing issues. Our current crisis is affecting all areas of healthcare; hospitals, clinics and treatment centers are closing their doors, no longer able to afford to remain open. The cost of malpractice insurance for physicians is forcing many to stop practicing medicine, move to states which limit malpractice awards (thereby decreasing the cost of the insurance) or practice without insurance. The high cost of nursing is causing many facilities to staff with the bare minimal number of nurses required, making nurses jobs even more stressful and putting patients’ lives at risk. And the cost of health insurance has skyrocketed, with many people unable to afford health insurance. It is important to understand how health care costs, workers and insurance are funded in order to understand the crisis we face today. Others point to different root causes, such as our choices for food. Still others think the system is simply too complicated to be efficient and cost effective.


To gain further insight and understanding of our current health care crisis and how our system compares to the Health systems in other countries you will need to do two things. 1.) Do some research into the topics that impact our current health care crisis as discussed above using the internet. 2.) View only one of the videos provided below. Please keep in mind that some of the videos are politically motivated and may have so9me content that is difficult to watch. You have several choices for the video you choose to view.

Choose just one video from the following videos to watch: SICKO(2007 Michael Moore), The Doctor(1991 starring William Hurt – explores patient privacy and HIPPA Laws), Fed Up (2014 documentary on food choices and how they impact our health), What the Health.

NOT suggesting you agree or disagree with any of these videos, nor do I propose that what is presented are factual or not, or over dramatized for the purpose of the videos. Form your own opinion; I only require that you view one of these videos. I feel that between doing some research on the internet and watching the video you will be more informed about or current health care crisis.

1. View one of the videos provided above of your choice.

2. Create a 600 word synopsis on the state of the current health care crisis focusing on the questions listed below as it relates to the videos you chose to view.

1. What do you feel are some of causes of today’s crisis as it relates to the video?

2. Explain how recent changes in the Affordable Care Act and your access to health insurance have impacted you personally?

3. What are your thoughts on how our current healthcare crisis may affect your particular profession?

4. What do you think are some possible realistic solutions?

Just summarize your thoughts on the health care crisis. This needs to be a comprehensive summary of the movie/video and how it relates to our current crisis.

3. Format: MLA Be sure to cite the websites  

format in short paragraphs with a space between each paragraph.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Our Health Care Crisis The movie I chose to review was The Doctor. In the movie, William Hurt plays the role of a humorous doctor by the name Jack Mckee, who tries his best not to get attached to his patients. Jack is married with a son and has a successful career. One day, he starts coughing blood and realizes that he has throat cancer. Jack’s belief that a doctor should not be attached to his patients begins to change when he finds himself lying in the hospital bed during checkup. The doctor in charge goes to tell him he has a growth then leaves him to cope with the news. During his treatment, Jack meets a woman suffering from stage four brain cancer. He later learnt that the insurance refused to pay for an MRI. The major problem facing the health care crisis is insurance. If the insurance had agreed to pay for the MRI, the woman would have been cured. In most cases, insurance decides the type of tests that are necessary rather than the doctors. Another problem is that the doctors do not see their patients as people. This act makes it hard for the patients to trust the doctors. The Affordable Care Act has included health plans that cover the preventive services like immunization and screening of cancer. Most insurers have started investing in the act which will make it possible to cover most of the terminal illnesses. The current healthcare crisis might affect my profession in a number of ways. One of the ways is that insurance policies might infringe the healthcare of patients in critical conditions. Some of the patients in the hospital often depend on insurance policies to pay for some of the hospital procedures, where at times insurance policies might decline to pay for some of the expensive medical procedures in the hospital, which ends up risking the patient’s health status (Gournay 529). The other healthcare crisis that might affect my profession is the high cost of nursing. Having high cost of nur...
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