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NDSU Older Adult Visit Writing Assignment Paper

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NDSU Older Adult Visit Writing Assignment Paper

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Older Adult Visit
Institution Affiliation
The elderly age is associated with many health challenges due to physical and physiological body changes. This makes the aging people to be vulnerable to diseases and physical injuries. Their memories also depreciate, thus impairing social skills. They require a safe environment that guarantees safety from physical injuries thus promoting self-care. Hence, frequent monitoring of the elderly people’s health status is important in determining the ability to be independent. Use of nursing assessment tools is required to monitor their health status, and employ appropriate nursing interventions.
Findings of the Interview
I visited a 75 years old man who was living alone in one of the rural village. The purpose of the visit was to assess the level of self-care, and to determine the environmental safety status that encourages elderly independence. I also aimed at determining the effectiveness of good interpersonal skills when interacting with the aging people. A schedule of four home visits, a visit after a fortnight was followed. Each visit lasted for forty minutes to one hour. This information was comprehensively explained to the client prior to conducting the interview.
During the cross-examination, the client explained that he wakes up at around 8:00 am, and takes breakfast. He then takes one hour to read a newspaper. He does not engage in physical exercise owing to his deteriorating physical health status. After lunch, he watches television news and visit his grandson who resides in the nearby village. He sleeps immediately after the dinner.
The elderly man described his health status as weak and deteriorating. This is because he is diabetic and hypertensive patient since he was 50 years old. He further expressed good cooperation and support from the neighbors and family members. They are a source of love and hope to him despite his ailing health. Seeing his young grand children living a healthy life and supporting him to perform self-care needs makes his life meaningful.
The client highly regretted his life riddled with chronic diseases, thus giving him depression. He also suggested that people should expect to live as long as God wishes, but a happy and healthy life. He wished to live not more than ten years from the date of interview.
Communication Barriers Experienced During the Visit
Some barriers marred our communication, thus impairing effective sharing of ideas and opinions. The client was not attentive and kept on requesting repetition of a question more than three times. He was constantly distracted by sounds and animals roaming in the environment. The client had hearing problems which he disclosed to me later during the interview. Also, we differed in some outlooks and disagreed on some issues.
Therapeutic Communication Skills
I was actively listening to the client views and suggestion. I avoided any unnecessary environmental distractions to ensure effective communication. I was also compassionate in sharing ideas and feelings with my client throughout the discussion. In addition, I asked questions to seek clarification to understand concepts well. The flow of ideas was relevant to the topic, and I avoid...
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