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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Interview Project: Kiserain Charles, 34, Adulthood

Essay Instructions:

I need two page paper interview according to the following procedure.
Subjective: what the client tells you. What is their experience? Also, what pertinent others (family, doctor, probation officer, teacher, relidious leader etc ). tells you about the client. 
Objective: Facts. what you personally observe. What was seen, heard, counted, smelled, measured etc. No judgment.
Assessment:The summary of your clinical thinking: sythesis and analyis. You can include opinion or perpective, your ideas of what ythe elements are in this case, and why it is happening. Describes what you think should be the next steps. 
PLan: An action plan that describes the treatment, support, intervention or resources the client needs. specify who, what, when and where. Close the loop- make sure that there is no place for the client to fall through the cracks Make sure they can recieve adequate care or treatment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Kiserain Charles, 34, adulthood
Subjective: Charles describes himself as a normal American whose duty is just to find him a living and his family. Charles by the tie of the interview is playing games and he seems as an addicts to the computer games. He has a bottles of alcohol besides him which he seems he has been drinking while playing. He says that he normally works from Monday to Saturday, and working hours are so long and that is why he has to take alcohol after he is back from work. He says that he works from seven in the morning to six in the evening. He explains to me how his work of being accountant of one of the nearest banks has been so cumbersome to him and also his family. He tells me that eve some of the nights he never gets to sleep due to the pressure from the work. He tells me that him being an alcoholic addicts came as a result of being pushed a lot in work thus he needed to relax and this was the only way.
Objective: I work with Charles in the same bank. We have known each other for almost 10 years since we entered after graduating from college. Charles works as the bank assistant manager while am the head of the editing department. He seems to like his job to the capacity that in many of the occasion he tries his best to fulfil his set day goals before he goes home for rest. Whenever I visit him at his home place I normally find him playing computer games either with his son or occasionally alone. His wife doesn’t like the behavior but she has nothing to do to make him stop. Beer has become a basic part of Charles as even sometimes in working hours he excuses himself to go and take some. He is so keen in his job besides alcoholism. His mind has adopted working under alcoholism therefore he has to use consume alcohol to perform...
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