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Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Assignment: Interview Assignment and Grading Criteria

Essay Instructions:

Assignment: Interview Assignment and Grading Criteria
A task, duty, responsibility, and role of a nurse:
Student will interview an individual (can be a family member) and submit a paper using complete sentences, correct grammar and punctuation. Refer to Potter and Perry pages
211-214 for examples of questions to ask interviewee.
Student will type 3 paragraphs summarizing the interview.
a. First paragraph should be a summarization of the interviewees biographical and
health history information.
b. Second paragraph should be a summarization of the interviewee’s family history, environmental history, psychosocial history, and spiritual health.
c. Third paragraph should be the student’s experience of the interview process. It should answer the following questions:
What do you think was the most important role that the nurse played?
What was the most significant area of the interview?
Were there additional areas of the interview process that you would like to have done?
If you could change anything what would that be?
After having this opportunity would you recommend it to your classmate?
Student will post assignment as a Word doc or docx attachment through assignment dropbox in D2L to instructor.
Additional Instruction:
Interview an individual (can be a family member) and write up using complete sentences, correct grammar and punctuation. Refer to Potter & Perry (8th ed) pages 211-216 if you need help on questions to ask for each category.
Biographical Information:
Include items such as age, where they live, occupation, marital status, source of health care and insurance or other health care coverage.
Health History:
Individual’s perception of their health and any present or past health issues. Any hospitalizations or surgeries they have had.
Any medications they are presently on including OTC and herbals.
Any allergies (medications or other)
Habits-smoking, tobacco, caffeine, etc
Patterns for:
Diet and nutrition Exercise
Family History:
Health problems of immediate family
Environmental History:
Any home and/or work environment risks
Psychosocial History:
Include hobbies, coping methods, stressors, support system and education.
Spiritual Health:
Include religion, role of spirituality in health care practice if any.
Assignment: Interview
·Resource: Potter & Perry (8th ed.) Pge. 211-216
Complete the Interview using instructions and rubric.
Submit Interview as a Word doc or docx attachment in D2L Assignment section by due date.
First paragraph: summarization of the interviewees biographical and health history information Second paragraph: summarization of the interviewee’s family history, environmental history,
psychosocial history, and spiritual health.
Third paragraph: student’s experience of the interview process. What do you think was the most important role that the nurse played? What were the additional areas of the interview process that you would like to have done? If you could change anything what would that be? After having this opportunity would you recommend it to your classmate?
Mechanics A Grading Criteria
1. A grade of 75 or better is considered Satisfactory.
2. A grade less than 75 is unsatisfactory and the student must make necessary corrections and resubmit the paper.
3. A grade less than 75 is unsatisfactory and the student must make necessary corrections and resubmit the paper.
No more than 3 spelling errors 20pts Correct subject/verb agreement 20pts Correct sentence structure 20pts Assignment submitted on time 20pts Paragraphs follow guidelines 20pts
Earned Comments

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Interview             In order to meet the requirements of this course, I have decided to interview my friend, Sarah, who always had great health, until recently when she began experiencing constant cough, colds and fever. This interview is mainly subjective because it is utilizes the patient’s self reports (Potter and Perry 213). It covers the patient’s biographical information, as well as personal and family health history. It also looks at the patient’s psycho-emotional state as well as lifestyle choices that may have an impact on the patient’s wellbeing (Potter and Perry 215). Sarah is thirty-three (33) years old. She says that the worst illness she’s ever had happened only this year, when she had to stay home for two weeks due to cough, colds and fever. Even when Sarah was younger, she rarely got sick. Her mom told me a story about the time Sarah caught chicken pox in high school, two days before Halloween. All her classmates thought Sarah couldn’t make it to their Halloween party, but in under a day, her skin lesions (a total of five only, with the lesions found mainly on her face) were dry and she was strong enough to be at the party. Sarah had to stay several days at a hospital when the she had an appendectomy. According to the doctors, her appendix was going to burst soon, they have to operate and remove the appendix before complications arise. Sarah says the removal of her appendix marked a new phase in her life as she began getting sick almost every month. Sarah believes that her illnesses are because of the nature of her work. Sarah writes for a local paper and she has had to sleep late at night, or sometimes eke out a day without sleeping. Sarah believes that her recent illnesses are due to stress, as well as improper nutrition. Being a vegetarian, Sarah’s late nights has led her to purchase food from a restaurant almost every day. Because of this, Sarah has been unable to monitor her nutritional intake, especially since the restaurants she eats at are not typically vegetarian – they simply sell vegetable meals. Sarah says that sometimes she is forced to eat food laden with monosodium glutamate (MSG) because she has no choice. Despite her numerous illnesses, Sarah has not been to the doctor recently, and she has refused to take any kind of maintenance medication.             When asked how she feels about her health, Sarah says that she feels better these days, but that her series of illnesses are causing her to question her chosen way of life. Probing, I discovered that a number of individuals in Sarah’s family are suffering from stress-related illnesses, with all women in her family who are beyond forty years old having hypertension. Sarah’s decision to become a vegetarian and to live naturally was affected by this reality. Early on, Sarah has already discovered that her career can lead to...
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