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How New Jersey Fails Injured Workers Nursing Research

Essay Instructions:

Read all of the following articles and synthesize your thoughts regarding workers' compensation.   You can consider the following questions (but analysis is not limited to only these questions) for your four to five page written response.
“How Jersey Fails Injured Workers,” by Dunstan McNichol and John P. Martin, The Star-Ledger June 12, 2008 - http://blog(dot)nj(dot)com/ledgerarchives/2008/06/how_jersey_fails_injured_worke.htmlThe War on Workers’ Comp, by Stephen Franklin, In These Times, June 13, 2016 - http://inthesetimes(dot)com/working/entry/19206/the_war_on_workers_compInside Corporate America’s Plan to Ditch WC – by Michael Grabell and Howard Berkes, Propublica/NPR - https://www(dot)propublica(dot)org/article/inside-corporate-americas-plan-to-ditch-workers-compWorked to Death – by Jamie Smith Hopkins, Slate 11/15/15 -http://www(dot)slate(dot)com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2015/11/workers_comp_is_failing_to_pay_victims_of_occupational_disease_center_for.html 1. What is your reaction to the fact that, in NJ, many WC cases are rescheduled twelve or more times before settling?  2. Discuss the impact of those types of delays on injured workers.3. How does NJ differ from other states when it comes to employers who ignore WC judge mandates? 4. Describe the conflicts within the WC system and our state legislature. Do you think these are significant? 5. Why doesn’t NJ compile annual reports on the WC system like many other states? What does NJ do instead? 6. Discuss the movement for employers to "opt out" of workers' compensation?  Do you think this is a beneficial trend and, if so, for whom?7. OSHA estimated that in 2010, Social Security Disability Insurance (federal program) picked up as much as $12 billion to cover injured and ill workers.  What is your reaction to this?8. Occupational diseases, such as cancer, asbestosis, lung disease, etc., are rarely covered by workers' compensation for a variety of reasons.  Discuss those reasons and the impact this can have on ill workers and/or their families.9. What most surprised you about the facts in these articles? 

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How New Jersey fails injured workers
My reaction to the fact that a lot of workers’ compensation (WC) cases in New Jersey (NJ) are rescheduled 12 or more time before settling is that this is really unfair to the injured workers. The system is very flawed and it fails workers in New Jersey. These types of delays have significant impacts on the injured workers. The system benefits insurance companies and employers since delays mainly harm the cash-strapped claimants. The longer a compensation case is dragged out, the longer it will take for the ill or injured worker to get paid and the more legal costs the individual incurs. In addition, the workers can no longer work and provide for their families. In essence, these injured workers and their families do not just encounter lost wages, but also high medical bills. Sometimes the injured workers die while waiting for their compensation which takes a significant toll to the entire family. Many families experience a devastating emotional and fiscal hit that takes a long time to recover from, and some even end up losing their houses which are sold.
Regarding employers who ignore mandates of WC court judges, NJ is different from other states in that WC court judges in New Jersey are inexperienced and do not have any substantial power of enforcing their orders. The compensation judges do not have the authority of jailing or fining employers who ignore their mandates. In most cases, they can do little more than make the employers pay interest on payments that are outstanding. NJ employers do not have any incentive for offering timely treatment to their injured employees given that they would not be in a worse situation after they deny their workers this treatment than they would if they offered the treatment.
There are significant conflicts in the workers’ compensation system and New Jersey’s legislature. In NJ’s state legislature, a number of the same legislators who endorse and approve WC judges in the state’s compensation courts and decide which workers’ benefits bills get considered, in fact, have law firms which earn substantial amounts of cash in compensation cases. New Jersey’s state legislature is dominated by lawyers and out of the 120 legislators, at least 10 of them are partners in law firms which handle compensation cases or also practice in workers’ compensation court. These comprise some of New Jersey’s most well known politicians like Senator Raymond Lesniak and Bernard Kenny who is a retired Senate Majority Leader. It is of note that Lesniak owns a law firm that earned substantial amount of money when it represented public agencies and school boards in workers’ compensation cases. Lesniak and Kenny both served on the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee where a total of 5 bills died awaiting consideration. These bills were intended to boost compensation benefits to workers. In addition, legislators in New Jersey can influence the choosing of compensation judges. In 2007, Senator Gerald Cardinale requested Governor Jon Corzine to promote a certain municipal judge in Bergen County to the compensation court.
The state does not track the duration of time that it takes in resolving the average case of workers’ compensation. Unlike most other states across the nation, NJ does...
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