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Essay Instructions:
please refer to this link it is from AOTA website-AJOT(American Journal of Occupational Therapy)- http://ajot(dot)aotapress(dot)net/content/62/4/416.full.pdf+html...Evidence-Based Review of Interventions for Autism Used in or of Relevance to Occupational Therapy.. Write a paper that address the following: 1. what is evidence based practice? 2. what are different ways to obtain evidence? 3. did the articles you read conduct research in a specific area of practice? 4. describe a research protocol that was used 5. how could you use the information in what you read in treatment planning? Include 3-4 references from AJOT, references must be less than 10 years old.
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Evidence based practice is the integration of clinical expertise, patient values, and the best research evidence into the decision making process of patient`s care. Evidence-based practice can also be defined as the systematic process of finding, analyzing, and using the best available, scientifically
sound research to guide therapists in decision making so that clients may be treated with the most powerful, effective, and safe interventions (Dysart , 60).
The primary goal of scientific health professions is to translate research into clinical practice and this is the idea behind evidence based practice. The reason for occupational therapy research is to validate occupational therapy as a profession and to aid in the clinician`s decision making process. The goals for this research include theory development, evaluation of tests and measurement, identification of treatment intervention effects, increasing professional knowledge base for clinical reasoning and contributing to society`s understanding of occupation (MacEwan et al, 276)
Before EBP, clinicians tended to rely on other forms of evidence such as the voice of an expert, uncritical acceptance of the findings of a single published study or a published manual and the reliance of our own previous experienced and of the experiences around us. This did not always yield the best treatment plan or strategy so SBP came into use.
The various ways to obtain evidence include;
* Obtaining evidence from clinically relevant research that has been conducted using sound methodology
* The patient bringing his or her own personal and unique concerns, expectations and values
* Clinical expertise i.e. the clinician`s experience (Stillwell et al, 42)
The steps for implementing EBP are as follows ;( MacEwan et al, 276)
* Formulating a clinical question
* Searching for relevant literature
* Analysing results for validity, reliability and usefulness
* Implementing result
* Evaluating the evidence-based assessment and intervention procedures as they are implemented and revise
Clinical questions are identified which reflect the information needed to make clinical decisions which also take into account the type of client or client groups being treated as well as the context in which treatment occurs. A literature search is then undertaken to identify research evidence available to answer the question.
When seeing a client, new information is required in order to solve a clinical problem and make treatment decisions. These questions may relate to specific clients. The types of questions asked reflect the core clinical tasks of occupational therapy practice. These may be questions concerning diagnosis, treatment or prevention and diagnosis.
The main challenge of EBP is asking the questions to the clients but the following questions may be asked;
* Do these results apply to my client?
* Does the treatment fit with my client`s values and preferences?
* Are the resources available to implement treatment?
Where possible, the client should be involved in the decision making (Lee, 19) and the best evidence should be used and the client should be advised on the biases or the limitations of the research. Where research evidence is lacking, expert clinical opinion should be greatly used.
The framework of evidence based practice presents evidence based practice as a process that follows a cycle stemming from clinical decisions that need to be made in all staged of the occupational therapy treatment process.
Research evidence is often found in peer-viewed journals as this is where results are first published and where enough detail in methodology exists to make informed judgements on the validity and clinical relevance of the findings.
Research designs
There is a variety of research designs which will depend on the type of question that was asked to the client. These designs are as follows:
It is an efficient method of gathering information on issues that exist in particular groups in the community e.g. may help occupational therapists to gain information from parents of children with disabilities about the effectiveness of their service (Occupational Therapy Services, 3)
Qualitative research methods
These are used to predict the cause and effect relationship between variables, qualitative methods. They are more useful to describe the experiences of people in particular settings and understand their perspectives.
Clinical trials
This design is concerned with the effectiveness of interventions or treatments. These are the few of the many research designs used in EBP.
Systematic reviews use rigorous method to locate asses and summarize the results of many studies. Appropriate systemic reviews provide the best evidence e.g. Randomized controlled trials (RCT) minimize likelihood of bias in the conclusions of studies addressing treatment effectiveness.
Hierarchies of evidence provide information on the ability of various methodologies to reduce bias and thus provide the best evidence for EBP (Occupational Therapy Services, 6). There are a variety of databases available that provide the sites for particular evidences and these include EMBASE, MEDLINE, PUBMED, AMED, ERIC and ASSIA and the choice on which database to use depend on the type of question being asked by the clinician.
For clinicians, they may benefit from the examples of reasoning, st...
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