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Breastfeeding is the best feeding

Essay Instructions:

This paper should be a argumental essay. The tittle should be breastfeeding is the best feeding. should be MLA format double spaced 12point times roman. contain a minimum of 4 legitimate sources, contain signal phrases to introduce direct quotations, contain proper in-text citation, contain a properly formatted works cited page, adhere to the 70;30 rule, contain adequate transitions, contain a underlined thesis statement, contain an underline plan of development sentence or sentences... THE THESIS SHOULD BE ARGUABLE.

In addition, the paper should 

  • NOT contain any second person (you, your, etc.) language;
  • contain a minimum of four legitmate sources;
  • contain signal phrases to introduce direct quotations;
  • contain proper in-text citation;
  • contain a properly formatted Works Cited page;
  • adhere to the 70-30 rule you learned about in week 1;
  • contain adequate transitions;
  • contain an underlined thesis statement;

contain an underlined plan-of-development sentence (or sentences).

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Breastfeeding is the best feeding
Breastfeeding has been around for centuries. Most new mothers are anxious to breastfeed, because breast milk contains a hormone called oxytocin which helps mothers return back to their pre-pregnancy weight. Joan writes that, “Breastfeeding will help children live a healthy life. Breastfeeding is the best way to provide nutrition for an infant (6).
Deciding on the nature of option to choose from between breastfeeding, formula feeding or bottle feeding is always a hard decision to make for parent; each of the three options listed always have their own advantages and disadvantages, but, breast milk is still considered more advantageousCITATION Tas09 \p 13 \l 1033 (Tasnim 13). Though, the decision should be made by parents; majority of lactation consultants argue that the breast milk is still the best milk in comparison to all the other optionsCITATION Bar12 \p 45 \l 1033 (Barston 45). Thus, this paper seeks to argue out the reason why breast feeding is considered the best feeding for infants in comparison to other methods like bottle feeding and formula.
Tasnim argues that Breast milk has numerous amounts of vitamins, and proteins that are needed for a baby's growing body. Those nutrients and vitamins will help the infant develop properly. Breast milk is easy to digest, therefore it prevents diarrhea, and the infant vomits less. Breastfeeding is also very cost effective, because it's free (43). The mother's milk, commonly called human milk is all that babies need from birth through the first year of the child's life. Breast milk is sterile, and has various amounts of antibodies and nutrients for an infant's growing body. The antibodies in breast milk helps fight off illness, help aid in a strong immune system, and prevent asthma, and bronchitis. Breast-feeding while an infant immune system is maturing will protect the infant from different illnesses. Breastfeeding prevents obesity, which is an important factor in the US. Breastfeeding an infant reduces frequent visits to the hospital, because the antibodies in breast milk protect the infant from becoming sick. Breastfeeding comforts the infant, and provides a special bonding with mother, and baby.
A number of factors arise from breast feeding that is beneficial to the infant. Bottle feeding could be able to offer similar nutritional content to the infant but; breast feeding offers the better option for feeding infants such as impeccable balance of nutrients, easily digested and absorbed. The nutrients vary with changing production stages which quantify the changing nutritional infant requirements. Similarly the infant determines the amount needed. This would be easily accepted since the bottle feeding could mean that much of the nutritional content is determined by a pediatrician who also determines the amount of intake requiredCITATION Lia10 \p 145 \l 1033 (Liamputtong 145). At infancy stage, the child could also not be in a position to cope with certain nutrients.
The limitations associated with bottle feeding at infancy stage are countered with breast feeding which has the following benefits: CITATION Tas09 \p 65 \l 1033 (Tasnim 65).
Early breast milk is known as liquid gold, with its colostrum content; it contains antibodies and nutrients that take care of the baby's immune system. Although the baby only absorbs a small amount of it at every feeding, it is equivalent to the not fully developed stomach.
With the bottle feeding being hard to quantify the amount of needed nutrients, at day 5 after birth, breast milk changes as the baby grows. The colostrum being produced alternates by determining the right amount of water, fat, protein, and sugar to help the baby grow. It also contains all the antibodies that the baby needs.
Breast milk boost the immune system, the hormon...
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