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Health & Nutrition: Are Traditional & Alternative Medicines Reliable?

Essay Instructions:

Essay:Argumentative Response Paper
Directions: Compose an argument in which support is offered for the following argumentative topic 
Topic: Health & Nutrition: Are Traditional & Alternative Medicines Reliable?
Pages: 4-5 of text single spaced
Sources: 4-5
sources should be cited by following MLA conventions.
Citation: MLA
Work Cited page
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Are traditional and alternative medicines reliable?
Traditional medicines and alternative medicines are readily available, they are acceptable, they are affordable, require low cost and have low adverse effects hence safe, compared to the conventional medicines hence reliable.
* Traditional and alternative medicines are readily available.
* They are of low cost hence most people can afford to buy them.
* They are highly effective compared to conventional medicine in managing long-term illnesses
* They have few adverse effects compared to conventional medicine since most of them are based on plant extracts.
* Lack of regulation
* Quality concerns
* In spite of criticism, traditional and alternative plays a great role in bridging the gap left by conventional medicine in terms of availability and cost
Traditional and alternative medicine are reliable based on their low cost, little adverse effects and have been used for a long time to manage long-term illness. Their use should be encouraged and the government should put forward policies to support them.
Are traditional and alternative medicines reliable?
Traditional medicines (TM) and alternative medicines (AM) have been on a significant rise in the past few decades due to their reliability and effectiveness. There are various benefits brought about by these medicines (Lawrence 5).According to World Health organization (WHO 17), Traditional medicines, and alternative medicine therapy include all herbal medicines and use several techniques basically without the application of medication to give health care services.The medicines include diverse health approaches, practices, knowledge and beliefs that incorporate animal, plant or mineral medicines. Traditional and alternative medicine, manual techniques, spiritual therapies and exercises are singularly or jointly applied to treat, maintain wellbeing, prevent and diagnose illness. Traditional medicines and alternative medicines are readily available, they are acceptable, they are affordable, require low level technology to produce and have low adverse effects hence safe, compared to the conventional medicines (WHO 5). Therefore, it is important for information to be developed to guide the use and application of TM and AM treatments. This paper supports the argument that traditional medicines and alternative medicines are reliable.
Arguments in support of reliability of traditional and alternative medicines
Traditional and alternative medicines are readily available to most of people who may not be in a position to get convectional medicines hence more reliable. Availability of traditionaland alternative medicines have seen the past two decades increase the use of traditional medicinal therapy in both developed and developing countries. Globalization has facilitated the trend this treatment through intercultural exchange that has resulted ina widespread application of TM andAM therapeutic techniques and products (WHO 7).Through intercultural interactions, people have shared knowledge and products of traditional medicines thus movement of people from one place to another has led to the movement of traditional medicine. This phenomenon needs a specific attention to avoid inappropriate use, which could harm individuals and affect the whole communities ultimately.
Traditional and alternative medicines are affordable hence more reliable, especially among the low income social groups. These medicines are beneficial to the middle and low-income families and countries can easily afford them. Research has shown that in some countries, especially in Africa, over 60% of children who suffer from fever are treated with herbal medicines at home (WHO 24). Most conventional medicinal therapies are expensive and cannot be afforded by the poor, especially in developing countries and even in the developed world like the United States if there is no free health care to the citizens. In preparation of the traditional medicines and the alternative medicines, there is a low technological input level required to hence making them to be of comparatively low cost compared to the conventional medicines (Ventola 4). Managing diseases like cancer and other terminal illnesses can be very expensive, hence many people opt for the traditional medical therapy, especially ...
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