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The Affordable Care Act Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Content Issues:

You must provide information from both sides of the argument, but your essay should take a clear, argumentative position explaining why your choice is the better option.

Consider who your audience will be. Are you informing the public of the issue? Are you appealing to a governing body to take your side? Are you informing a specific group in hopes of gaining its support for your cause? Take your audience into consideration when formulating your approach. Audience awareness is a critical component of any good argumentative essay.

First and second person narration are not allowed for this essay. Therefore, use of I, me, my, you, your, etc., will be penalized significantly.


Since you need to know how to write longer essays for other classes, this essay cannot be a 5 –paragraph style essay. You must be able to expand on that style of essay to write longer and more complex essays. This essay must be between 750 and 1,000 words. Anything under or over this limit will be penalized. Essays under 750 words will fail with no higher than a grade of 50. Essays over 1,000 words will receive 10 point deductions for every 200 words over the 1,000 word limit.

Transitions and linking ideas (organizational styles) are very important for this essay.

Introductions and conclusions are also important.

Be mindful of your target audience when writing.

Research Requirements:

Essay Three must contain a minimum of five (5) sources, four of which must come from the following:

At least one source must come from Affordable Care Act law.

A minimum of two GALILEO sources are required. They may all be from the same database (such as Opposing Viewpoints or Academic Search Premier).

A minimum of one other online source, however, it must come from a reputable source (such as the Mothers Against Drunk Driving official website as opposed to someone’s homepage).

Note that Wikipedia is NOT a reputable online source and will not be accepted in this essay.

Your fifth source may come from any of the above mentioned approved source locations Affordable Vare Act Law,GALILEO, reputable online source), or a book/journal article from a reputable source that you obtained through your own research.

Dictionary definitions and Encyclopedia references are also unacceptable as sources and should not be included. Use of either will result in grade deductions.

You may use other credible, legitimate sources as well, as long as you have met the above requirements for the other four sources.

Quotations/Citations used in the introduction or conclusion of your essay cannot count toward your minimum source requirement.

Quotes pulled from random websites or quotes from random famous people are forbidden here. Use of either will result in grade deductions.

There must be a balance of information from all sources, and that information must also be balanced throughout the essay. In Essay Two, we discussed the importance of providing a balance of information.

Proper format for MLA parenthetical citations is required.

Proper format for quotations is also required for this essay.

The Works Cited page must be in correct MLA format. Remember that a Works Cited page is not the same as an Annotated Bibliography, which you will have to also submit for this essay. Learn the difference and submit the correct document at the proper time. DON'T GO OVER 1000 WORDS!!!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Institution Affiliation:
Affordable Care Act
The Affordable Care Act is a comprehensive health care policy that was signed into law in March 2010. This Act includes a long list of key provisions which were aimed at extending the coverage to millions of uninsured Americans, put in effect approaches which would reduce health care costs and also upgrade and boost the system efficiency and also remove any operations which included reversal and refusal of health coverage because of pre-existing conditions. The high cost of health coverage has traditionally kept millions of Americans out of insurance coverage. The Affordable Care Act issued the Americans with new opportunities to acquire affordable, high quality and comprehensive health coverage. This paper explains why the Affordable Care Act should not be modified to exclude the pre-existing conditions of patients.
Before the Affordable Care Act was implemented in 2014, some health plans could only accept an individual with a pre-existing condition exclusion period, that is, a duration where people were allowed to wait before coverage would be provided for anything related to the pre-existing condition. A pre-existing condition refers to a health condition such as cancer, asthma or diabetes that started before an enrollee’s health benefits went into effect (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services). During the pre-existing condition exclusion period, patients could not receive coverage for services that were related to the pre-existing condition for a pre-agreed period despite paying the required monthly premiums. This allowed the insurer only to cover non-related health problems that emerged during that time. Health conditions associated with the pre-existing condition were only covered after elapsing of the exclusion period.
It is important that members of the public should comprehensively understand the implications of modifying the Affordable Care Act to remove the pre-existing condition provision. The Affordable Care Act focuses on primary care and essential health initiatives (Hodnicki, p.2). Introduction and implementation of regulations to sweep the protections for people with pre-existing conditions will create uncertainty in the healthcare sector. Abolishing these guidelines will leave patients who have been sick at the risk of paying high premiums, losing their comprehensive coverage and they also risk being left without an insurer. It is also important to note that removing these provisions will lead the health sector to where it was before the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. When private insurance companies would overcharge the enrollee and deny coverage to patients with pre-existing conditions.
Additionally, the move to have these provisions withdrawn would deny medical access to many Americans who cannot access the high medical covers. The Affordable Care Act mandates that every individual must buy health insura...
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