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Thesis Based on Insperations: Wellness and Design

Essay Instructions:

I started my work if you could search where work cited is needed and complete the references and citations in MLA format. As well as correcting my grammar. I need a total of 1500 words meaning I roughly needed 250 more. I made it such that the order says that I need 2 pages roughly 550 words so that you could take care of the grammar and work cited part. Especially in this part of the attached word document "Contribution to the Profession: (need to cite studies examined", use the following PDFs attached as sources for adding in the extra words to complete the number of words required.:
The inspirations are three:
Tree Ring
Finger Print
Climate Ribbon

Finaly Project is about a rehab center.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Wellness and Design
Addictions of various kinds, such as drug, alcohol, and behavioral practices are presenting significant challenges to the society. As such, an evaluation of the effectiveness in changing human behavior through architecture and interior design can play a big role to enhance the quality of our lives and cooperate the designs to solving these problems (Academic Impressions). Inspired by the interplay of nature as represented by the human fingerprint imagery, nurture as represented by the concentric ring patterns on a tree section, and context as symbolized by the organic patterns of the climate ribbon; this patient centered rehabilitation center will help patients understand their current identity, reconcile with their past, and prepare them for challenges in their future life (Cornell University,).There are an estimated 2.1 million people, in the United States, suffering from use disorders related to prescription opioid pain relivers and a further 467,000 addicted to heroin ("About Drugs And Addiction | Persons Who Use Drugs (PWUD) | CDC").
According to the CDC, 6 out of 10, overdoses are related to opioid consumption. In 2014, an estimated 47,055 people died from drug overdoses ("About Drugs And Addiction | Persons Who Use Drugs (PWUD) | CDC"). This contrasts with the 32,675, people killed on our roads, and the 14,249 murders committed in that same year. There is a significant shift in the number of fatalities that are related to accidents than there are, related to social challenges such drugs ("About Drugs And Addiction | Persons Who Use Drugs (PWUD) | CDC"). A 2011 Drug Abuse Warning Network report, indicated that every day 1,000 people are treated in emergency rooms for prescription opiate overdoses ("About Drugs And Addiction | Persons Who Use Drugs (PWUD) | CDC"). This information serves as contextual background for the proposed Rehabilitation center (Silvis, Jennifer). There is need to establish a structured recovery process that can also be sustainable in the society (Atkinson, David). This will address the issues regarding the addiction at the root other than simply treating the effects of the same such as impacts of drugs on the body which is a common approach. This is an approach that has also lead to a soar in the problem, where more people are getting hooked onto drugs. The availability in terms of pricing and access has also contributed to the problem among others. However, there is a sustainable way of reducing the addiction problems in the society and it associated with architecture an area that has been over looked for some time.
The CDC chart below shows an upward Overdose Death trend in the last 15-year period between the year 2000 and 2015. Addiction and its consequence are clearly a serious problem in the society. In the period 2014 to 2015, Florida experienced a 22.7% increase in deaths which is a statistically significant increase.
Center project.
In the October 21st 2015 Obama White House Fact Sheet Press Release, featured an announcement stating that drug overdose deaths had exceeded motor vehicle accident deaths.
Figure 1. Number of Injury Deaths by Drug Poisoning, Suicide, Homicide, Firearms, and Motor
Vehicle Crashes in the United States, 1999-2014,b[The suicide and homicide data includes deaths by drug poisoning or firearms. b Not all drug poisoning deaths specify the drug(s) involved, and a death may involve more than one specific substance]

Source: Centers for Disease Control Prevention

Looking at the three inspirations, the fingerprint image suggested individuality and uniqueness. The article Fe-Fi-Fo Thumb, on the other hand, proved mathematically that no two fingerprints are alike (Fe-Fi-Fo-Thumb). In applying this imagery to the patient centered Wellness Center, one can connect the idea to the individuality of each patient and to their unique nature. Just as no two fingerprints are alike, this also projects that no two people are alike. Every other patient is Unique in their own way (Fe-Fi-Fo-Thumb). As such, their needs are going to be unique to them and the treatment approach should also reflect this element of uniqueness (Bauer, Amber). It is for this reason that the treatment approach and even the culture that the wellness center is based on, patient centered treatment plans (The Regents of the University of California). Every patient has an individuality elements that should be baked into their treatment. As such, one treatment approach may not be used to treat two different patients (Fe-Fi-Fo-Thumb).
The center needs to address the therapeutic services to recognize the Nature aspect of the patient by trying to identify their innate pattern of learning and responding, to ensure successful outcomes. Source articles include coverage of jean Jacques Rousseau’s concepts.
This also relates to the cross section of a tree with its dendrochronological rings (Hugh Dutton Associes). This inspiration suggests the life experience of the patient before coming to the rehab Center. It is the Nurture dimension in the Nature – Nurture pairing (Reiling, John et al.). Tree rings show both age and the quality of growth of the tree with one ring per growing season. Some trees have perfectly concentric rings which suggest ideal growth and development (Hugh Dutton Associes). Others have irregular, non-symmetrical patterns suggesting difficulties and challenges in their growth and maturity. One side of a cross section may have wide and expansive rings, while on the other side in the same year, the ring may be compressed and stulted in growth (University of California,). This pattern generally suggests an obstruction in the tree’s access to light such as another taller tree blocking sunlight on that side. In a similar manner patients, may have aspects of their upbringing that were normal and nurturing, whereas other aspects may have been curtailed by experiencing dysfunctions in their family environment or even their society where they grew up. In some of the cases it is where they went to school or where they have been working (University of California, Davis Campus).
The Climate Ribbon concept is very inspiring, especially in the Brickell City Centre project due to its organic form and functional qualities (Hugh Dutton Associes). The form was determined by precise calculations to harness the trade winds flowing through Miami, to direct airflow onto the customer base of the mall, without the need for air conditioning (Peck, Alexandra D.). The groves in the fins of the climate ribbon is a good example of the indentions in the human fingerprints (Hugh Dutton Associes). The other function of the climate ribbon is to collect water for use in watering plants, trees and other vegetation in the complex, thus providing a connection with the tree rings above (Hugh Dutton Associes). The trade winds connect the distant Sahara in Africa with Miami.
Keeping this social problem in mind, we should focus on the issue of rehabilitation and looked for sources of inspiration that would serve as a foundation for the design concept, and that connected the solution to the patient and their individual identity and history (Campbell, Carol An...
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