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Essay Instructions:
My assignment is about vocation as Mechanical Engineering student . I a few sources should include in the essay, and some personal things. I have few articals about Mechanical Engineering and vocation. what influence people to chose their vocation ( work) like parents society and slef-interest. please include that in the thesis you may use other sources
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According to Newberry (3), the word vocation implies two things: those related to professions in the Christian Ministry or associated church-based careers, and those related to education for instance that can be acquired at technical or vocational tertiary institutions – the work in which an individual is regularly employed. Interests, experiences and the cultural milieu of childhood play a crucial role in helping to set the stage for an individual’s adult occupation and interests (Thilmany 1). The purpose of this paper is to discuss vocation particular with regard to career/work unrelated to the Christian Ministry. The paper also discusses things that can influence an individual in choosing his/her vocation/work.
There are various factors that influence people to choose their vocation/work. The most common factors include the following: First is the condition of the job market – There are several occupations that are undeniably over-crowded (Bell). Thus, an individual will be less likely to choose a vocation/work that is very much over-crowded either in the private sector or in the government. However, within the mechanical engineering industry, the employment rate is well over 90% in the United States, and someone would not consider shifting to a related field of study to investigate opportunities in that field. A profession that is more cyclical than several others is that of architecture, particularly for those at the entry level. There was a time when the profession of architecture had an unemployment rate of 24%, making some people to regret why they chose that profession (Bell). If becoming a mechanical engineer, architecture or any other profession is a consuming interest, then it should be pursued. Vocational opportunities often change over time. The job market condition should be put into consideration, but more important is the satisfaction of a given vocation that an individual enjoys (Ali).
Second is interests – There are people who are lucky enough to having a special interest come out when they are still very young hence giving them vocational direction which they never waver from. For instance, hands-on tinkering observed in a young child is a lucid indication that the child will naturally be led to mechanical design and engineering. This tinkering is essential since that is one way in which youngsters begin to make their world intelligible (Thilmany 1). On the other hand, some people find it quite difficult in determining their direction with regard to vocation. Even those that believe they know and understand their areas of interest are over and over again misled by the glamour or emotional attachment of a certain field (Kiersy & Bates 12).
Third factor is ability – Apparently, an individual should attempt to match his/her abilities with a vocational choice. As much as it sounds palpable, it is astonishing how a vast majority of people do not adequately analyze themselves and the job in this regard. At times, some of the reasons used by people in choosing the work/vocation of their lives are far off the mark, and are often only important for a short time-period (Ali). For instance, a person may be offered a job in Phoenix, he/she may not know much about the job, but may have always wanted to live in Phoenix. As such, that person will take up that vocation only because he/she wanted to live in Phoenix, not because of wanting the job. It is imperative that people do not just take any job, but should rather get a job that they love without considering such things as the salary (Ferry). Fourth factor is culture – The culture in which a child is raised plays an important role in whether that child will turn to engineering, science or any other profession as an adult. In order to encourage a child to grow up wanting to be an engineer or scientist, it is imperative to inculcate a culture that clearly values such professions and emphasizes their excitement (Thilmany 3). The way in which culture nurtures future engineers is a critical determinant factor with regard to someone choosing an engineering career/vocation.
The fifth factor is creative childhood plays and introduction to engineering at an early age – There are some childhood plays that help to nurture creativity in young children for heightened engineering prowess. For instance, a play setup that includes miniature engineering gadgets or accessories such as pumps, ropes, pulleys, mini transporters, shovels, pipes, drums among others encourages inquisitive minds to explore, touch, feel, and get their hands dirty (Thilmany 3). This is because the children have to think in order to play, and because it is very fun thinking, they are not burdened with the effort. This is an early development ...
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