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Writing About Transitional Life Experiences

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Transitional Life Experiences
Society and cultural influences shape the transition from child life to adult life. The transitioning of disabled children in China is different from that of their ‘normal’ siblings. In Asian societies, children with disability are made to feel that their disability is as a result of their family flaws. For example, the personal life story about Chan indicates that she was disabled because of her father's sins. The Asian culture believes that a child experiences disability because their parents had sinned or the parents were closely associated with the children's disability.
In another account, Chan was disabled because her grandmother named her “grandchild of wisdom.” A name that was offensive to the deities because it was given to a girl child. The culture goes ahead to suggest that the name would not be offensive to the gods if it were given to a boy child. This culture shows that the male gender is perceived as superior to the female gender. Even the parents of Chan believed that this was the cause of her disability and changed her name to “Chaste virgin.”
Due to Chan's disability, almost all the schools in Asia rejected her. The only school that accepted her was an American one. That means that her home country culture would influence her educational transition negatively as they were not willing to enroll her in any of the Asian school. Nonetheless, the American school accepted her since they did not believe that her disability was in any way going to prevent her from excelling in school. This difference shows how the culture can influence personal life trans...
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