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Research And Describe What Does It Mean To Be Educated?

Essay Instructions:

Your Essay Assignment: Explanation of a Concept (Definition Essay)
Write a 1000 word essay answering the question:
“What does it mean to be educated?”
Peer Review is Monday April 24
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Essay Sample Content Preview:
What Does It Mean To Be Educated?
This is a surprisingly tricky and two-sided question. For long, people have been asking themselves this question but nobody thought it would become a worldwide issue. The Latin word for education is educare which translates to support, train or raise. Educare is related to ducere which means to guide, lead or conduct. In the passive form to be educated means to be brought up or guided by other persons. Education is the act of another individual acting as a guide, educator or trainer while the educated is the one receiving the training and education. Scholars argue that formal education is a method of social dominance. They argue that while applying for a job qualifications are needed even if the job does not require formal education. They argue that the qualifications are just a false presence and behind the reality is a form of social seclusion or an indirect discriminatory treatment. In a free society, people are required to fill a qualification form before receiving employment to prove their education level. Informal education may also become formal in the future since researchers argue that education depends on what people need the most. A good example is if a country has a shortage of farmers. Farming education will be offered in schools in the form of agriculture where manual labor will also be taught. The need for farmers will create a vacuum where the informal education that is ploughing will be formalized. In the world today educated means to have the correct qualifications that are needed for a certain position, profession or activity while in the past the term was more generalized because not many people had access to education.
People go around boasting that they are educated because of the papers that they got in school and the colleges or universities they attended. However being educated could mean something totally different than education got in schools. For instance the Bushmen of the Kalahari. These people do not attend any school but have sufficient knowledge that helps them survive in those extreme conditions. In some way, they are educated since they have the knowledge to survive there. Education is not all about going to school and achieving good grades it is about learning from somebody, for example, a trainer. The act of being able to gain knowledge on something that someone did not previously know and use the knowledge to their advantage is what should be described as education. For instance, in the traditional days, people did not go to school (and those who did were few), but they still acquired sufficient knowledge that enabled them to survive.
Education can also be described as the act of gaining the required skills that are needed to qualify to any workforce. This definition of the term ‘educated’ has brought a lot of controversy with people arguing that American government advocates for education so that people can fit in a democracy and continue contributing to the economy. They argue that people in the traditional times only acquired knowledge for survival or recreational purposes. Today education is significant because it is the only guarantee that one will be able to make a standard living. They argue that the government is educating people so that it can employ. On the contrary, education is meant to assist one easily adapt to changes and be able to make a standard living. Being educated means that a person can be able to cope with changes while making reasonable decisions. Additionally education today is advantageous because it offers a competitive advantage over other people. Being educated today is imperative because of the stiff competition available across all aspects of life. When applying for a job it is only the most qualified that are chosen while the rest are sent home. People who have gone through the education system have a higher ...
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