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Successful Student. How to be successful in college

Essay Instructions:

“The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are, first, hard work; second, stick-to-itiveness; third, common sense.” ¯ Thomas A. Edison Now, more than ever, college is accessible to people. Anyone can walk onto a community college campus and begin his or her educational career regardless of gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, and previous education. Although it can be simple to begin college, not all students understand the demands of a formal college education. What does it take to be a successful college student? In an essay of three pages, explain what it takes to be a successful college student. Keep in mind that this assignment asks you to examine success in college, not failure. I must warn you against dwelling on how students derail their academic progress; instead, you should focus on positive attitudes, behaviors, habits, etc. and discuss how those contribute to student success. Consider roaming around campus or browsing on the University website to investigate the types of resources we offer here at the University. You are not required to quote any sources or interview anyone, but a well-written essay will demonstrate knowledge of the types of resources a college offers and how a strong student makes use of those resources. -Be a MINIMUM of three (3) full pages -Be a minimum of 5 paragraphs -Be typed and double-spaced -No 2nd person: you I already sent two pages of the three, but I didn't want to choose editing because I still need one more page and editing also. I need the three pages to be perfectly written with perfect grammar. I am an international student, so it should not be written as a native english speaker.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

How to be successful in college
Getting into college these days is much easier that it ever was in the past. Anyone can now access college education regardless of their social status, race, sex, sexual orientation, religion among other differences in the society. However not all students that join the institutions of higher learning have are actually equipped for the stay and they end up losing out on the chance to make a difference on campus and out in the real world. There are simple yet crucial aspects that any college students should know about making the lasting difference in the one to four years of their stay in college.
It is important that students should have the knowledge of the resources that they are would find on campus. Every other campus has a set of resources that they provide to the students to make sure they are equipped for the academic, co-curriculum and career development endeavours. From the first day of orientation round the campus up to the end of first year, the students should have good knowledge of the resources that are at their disposal and how they can be of use to them. These include the library, the gym, the pitch, the students centre, bookshops, the swimming pool and the various venues that are relate to the clubs classes, labs and theatres. They should have knowledge of the internet platforms, counsellors, the support centres and the medical facilities.
All of this facilities can be very overwhelming and the students have to develop all mannerism related to prioritizing. This is because the high school experience does not give as much freedom and resources as colleges do, and students may have a hard time adjusting the time they invest in either of the facilities and resources. It is therefore, very important that the students develop some form of control over their time management, using elements such as timetables and properly aligned schedules. This will not only help them to reduce the workload but also reduce the amount of stress that results from the competing activities within the limited time. Students can also find time to visit academic advisors and counsellors, who are very resourceful in terms of forging the perfect harmony between the various priorities and get advice on their worst fears.
To succeed in the academics the students have to develop a personal attachment with their studies. Other than just attending the classes to get by, the students are advised to take an active role in steering their knowledge in the field to the best of their ability. This means that they have to ask questions in class when they do not understand concepts and make contributions in class where they f...
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