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The Power of Hearing

Essay Instructions:
Differently abled: this essay is about what your life would be like not being as you are now. Imagine yourself from a different background, or physically different. Give yourself a different physical or mental identity and try living a day with that mindset. Look up sources from people who have the challenge that you choose, and both practice their limitations and freedoms, as well as discover your own. You will then process these ideas and experiences from your own life as well as the lives of those you research. Regardless if you choose a background/culture change(white to black, Mexican to Filipino, etc), or a physical change (man to woman, no sight, loss of hearing, loss of a limb, etc), you can choose a variety of avenues to explore: the limitations and freedoms, social acceptance/rejection/attitudes, cultural norming, health, work, etc. Choose the themes or ideas that resonate with you.
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The Power of Hearing
I was born normal and with all the physical attributes and organs in a human being. I therefore have an equal opportunity to enjoy everything that life offered to a normal, able minded person. I live a normal life which gave me an opportunity to attend normal public schools and interact with my fellow social being without any difficulty. However, losing my hearing ability could significantly affect my whole life. This is because a couple of things which I perceive normal and real would turn to be discriminative and basely given and allocated depending on the person ability to hear and act accordingly. For instance studying would not be easy, as I would not be able to have the first hand information of my tutor, but instead I would depend on my colleagues in the process. This therefore makes me physically, emotionally, socially and psychologically challenged. Having lived a normal life, a couple of limitations could deeply haunt my emotions since it`s hard to accept the condition. Having lived a normal life before, the condition can completely challenge and change my life completely. The essay will examine some of the limitations in life that the physically challenged persons undergo. Specifically, the challenges experienced by person`s with loss of hearing.
Communication Barrier
Freedom of association is a human right condition which should be enjoyed freely by all. However, such a right is selectively enjoyed by the normal and the unchallenged persons. One is able to associate with others, since he or she can hear, and respond to their issues and needs at that point in time. We attend lectures since we can be able to hear what the teacher says and learn from it. However, losing our hearing ability denies us a significant social aspect in life. There is a significant delay of receptive development of expressive skills in communication. Loss of hearing causes some language deficit, which creates learning problems. My academic performance would significantly reduce due to this, since I will have to depend on others in my studies. Proceeding on with my studies could mean that I copy and compare notes from my classmates, since I cannot get the first hand information from my tutors.
Efficiency in communication occurs when one is able to respond to the other party`s argument, and this can only happen if the person is able to capture the information and fully understand it (Whiston 354). However, loss of hearing completely denies you a chance to effectively communicate, since you cannot respond to what you have not heard. Mostly, people will be forced to communicate through writing, and then I could respond to the issue by talking. This would limit my conversation depending with the place we are in, or the activity going on. For instance, I cannot communicate with my fellow people while walking, since writing cannot be done at the same time. Likewise, I can only read the movement of my party`s lips and guess what he is talking about and then try to respond in that line. The move however, cannot always be correct.
Social Rejections
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