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Povert, Human Rights and Globalization: Moral Factor in World Poverty Eradication

Essay Instructions:
Topic: Poverty, Human Rights and Globalization This is in 2 Stages: 1. Essay Proposal.....6 pages 2. Research Paper .....10 pages Both Orders are to be done by the same writer This is a broad topic that links the three issues. You should and can focus and define it more as it gives you some flexibility. You are not just analysing poverty issues, but that they need to be related to human rights within the context of the globalization, such as how the right to basic necessities affected by global actors and institutions
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Moral Factor in World Poverty Eradication (Your name) (Course instructor) (Course title) (Date of submission) Introduction The crisis in the world poverty has in the long run been accorded high priority on the global perspective. This auspicious development has generated a flurry of studies and discussions with regard to the means or eliminating this debilitating situation in human life. However, government’s pledges for action conventional and theological approaches seem to fail in bearing fruit. This has subsequently resulted into a feeling of rudderlessness in poverty eradication in world enterprises. Institutions and individuals alike ought to operate in tandem so as to effectively solve the world poverty problem. A poor person ought to receive assistance so that his or her dignity, self worth and confidence is upheld. Beyond the realization of individual well being, a person needs to be nurtured so that he may become a source of peace, advantage and happiness in the society and those around him. It is when we consider service to others that human aspect achieves the high expression. Using secondary data, this study is intended to evaluate the link between poverty, human rights and globalization. Basically, this proposal discusses the main sources that will be employed in the study. Methodology In this study, qualitative approach will be used in finding common literature in a partial sampling of the related literature that deals with research objectives. Most of the literature used in this study was accessed from peer-reviewed journals such as Academic Search Premier, Emerald, JSTOR and Business Source Premier. These journals will help us to explore the link between ethics and world poverty eradication. The technique employed in finding these journals includes using key words associated with the topic in searching journal databases. Once the articles were accessed, they were then stratified with regard to the questions which they addressed. Afterwards, analysis of the main themes will be conducted by employing counts of specific key terms. The results will be used to link the aspect of ethics and world poverty eradication. Malk Elke., Schramm Michael, and Klashen Stephen. “Absolute Poverty and Global Justice”. England. Ashgate Publishing Company. 2009. In this book Absolute Poverty and Global Justice, the authors present their arguments concerning the ever-increased number of poor people in the world. Malk et al explain that poverty reduction in the word is possible through addressing global and national inequalities. These inequalities hinder economic development in poor nations as well as individual households. Some of the causes of poverty in developing nations according to these authors include historical issues such as slavery, colonialism, insufficient endowments, faulty social institutions and nations regulations, and flaws in the global order that undermine poverty reduction efforts. In specific, the global order has offered few opportunities in economic amalgamation of the poor population in various parts of the world. This international order has also enhanced support through debt, trade, and investment relations of authoritarian and corrupt governments that either neglect or foster poverty in their own nations. The authors go on to point that developed nations contribute to poverty because they place extra burdens of climatic change on less developed nations and their poor people. Different moral views imply that, worldwide agencies, organizations, citizens and governments of rich nations bear moral obligations in eradicating poverty. These views generally evoke requirements of avoiding the violation of human rights in ensuring decent living standards, protecting and fulfilling human rights, strengthening the legality of global institutions that work towards poverty reduction, and contributing to the shaping of policies and institutions that cater for the under represented and the poor in the global perspective.  HYPERLINK "/people/data/nancy_kokaz.html" Kokaz,  HYPERLINK "/people/data/nancy_kokaz.html" Nancy. “Poverty and Global Justice”. Ethics & International Affairs, Volume 21.3 (Fall 2007). According to  HYPERLINK "/people/data/nancy_kokaz.html" Kokaz in poverty and global justice, eradication of poverty is the biggest challenge facing the global society today. This is more so especially in the quest for a prosperous, peaceful and just world. Owing to this fact, the author addresses this challenge by coming up in this journal, with an international poverty eradication model.  HYPERLINK "/people/data/nancy_kokaz.html" Kokaz’s poverty eradication model is based on John Rawls’s human rights framework and assists for the law of people. The model is applicable to poverty eradication measures irrespective of the causal patterns that could be found in a given situation. The correlation between the affected individuals and their governments harbors implications in selection of the proper means of intervention. However, it does not underrate the real objective of poverty eradication. It is with the purpose of assistance and human rights, which led to the creation of poverty eradication model. This moral duty of human rights is applicable even to societies that may not readily accept them. This is because; they are institutional reaffirmations of the natural obligations of individuals in the perspective of the global society. In the case of no affirmation, very few if any domestic societies could be regarded as orderly. The author concludes his article by pointing out some of the challenges, which are likely to come up in the application of his model of global poverty eradication. He argues that while he may not be in a position to fully settle such practical issues in philosophical terms, flagging them assists in clarifying the scope of applying this world poverty eradication model. In addition, it also offers a sense of concrete measures and targets that could be incorporated in working towards its completion in practical aspects. This is particularly in specific types of extreme deprivation at a minimum. Shei Ser-Min. “On the Moral Duty of Eradicating World Poverty” India In...
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