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The Effectiveness of Kozols Argument in Still Separate, Still Unequal

Essay Instructions:

Write a two-to-four (2-4) page essay typed, double-spaced, and titled, on one of the topics below. Develop a clear and controlling thesis and support it with evidence from the text(s). Use MLA format for proper citing and essay format (Times New Roman 12, 1” margins, etc.). Proofread for grammatical errors, spelling, punctuation, etc. Please underline your thesis.
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“Still Separate, Still Unequal” Kozol
“I Just Wanna Be Average” Rose
“Graduation” Angelou
Analyze the effectiveness of Kozol's argument in “Still Separate, Still Unequal.” In developing your thesis, incorporate the experiences of both Angelou and Rose to support your thesis. Be sure to cite from all readings.
Use any of the following or other criteria in your analysis: purpose; content; voice/tone; point of view; audience; motive; author's background; diction/syntax; appeals to the reader (ethos, logos, pathos); organization/structure; and figurative language (symbols, metaphors, similes, imagery, personification).

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Date: November 12 2017
Indifference in the education system and the effectiveness of vocational education
The essay “Still Separate, Still Unequal” by Jonathan Kozol shows how a school set up is unequal as it discriminates against skin color, race despite the several changes that have been initiated by the government to achieve equality in society. Kazol uses inductive reasoning combined with logical development using first hand experiences, statistical figures and rhetoric questions to appeal to his audience and to emphasize the magnitude of inequality and discrimination in schools.
Kozol uses authentic experiences from those affected by re-segregation in the schools to bring out the issue of inequality in schools. He says that he once met a teacher from the South Bronx who told him how they were amused by the presence of a white kid in the school, “I’ve been at this school for eighteen years,”… “This is the first white student I have ever taught” (Kozol 42). Also, he has quote he talks to a fifteen years old girl about the re-segregation, “is as if you have been put in a garage where, if they don’t have room for something but aren’t sure if they should throw it out they put it there where they don’t have to think about it again,” (Kozol 43). These quotes appeal to the emotion and feeling of the reader, they see the problem from the side of the students who feel they are treated unequally. Angelou uses her own experiences to emphasize the point of inequality and the feeling of being unequal by comparing the white high school with their high school. She says, “Unlike the white high school, Lafayatte County Training School distinguished itself by having neither lawn, nor hedges nor tennis court, nor climbing ivy.” (Angelou 124) This emphasizes and gives an image to the reader how the differences are manifested in the schools. Rose also emphasizes how the students in the vocational training were underprivileged with teachers who were not prepared in delivering their content. He says, “Vocational education has aimed at increasing the economic opportunities of students who do not do well in our schools” (Rose 2). This emphasizes on the feelings of re-segregation and treatment of inequality experienced by the students as argued by Kozol.
To enhance his logic appeal, Kozol has consistently used statistics to justify his arguments and indicate the seriousness of the problem of segregation. He says that majority of the graduate of the blacks and Spanish fail to graduate in four years and very few join colleges. “In 48 perce...
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