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Education Story And Educational Experience During The First Year

Essay Instructions:

Step One) Telling a Story: Write a very detailed, one-to-three paragraph description of a particular moment/event in your education that was significant to you (either because it was negative, positive, interesting, representative, etc.). Try to think of something that happened on a single day or over a short period of time.

(Step Two) Information and Facts: Write a paragraph in which you summarize the basic details of your education in an order that is clear to your reader. For example, where did you go to school? How old were you when you started and finished different stages of schooling? Etc.

(Step Three) Thinking about the Bigger Picture: Write one or more paragraphs in which you reflect on how your personal experiences have shaped your view of education. What do you want your reader to learn from your experiences? What lessons do you think your personal experiences teach the reader about education or the educational system?

(Step Four) Writing the Introduction and the Conclusion: After you have drafted the paragraphs listed above, we'll work to craft introductory and conclusion paragraphs that properly frame your essay.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Course Details
Education Story
Education is one of the key pillars of life in the modern society. My experience during the first year in high school speaks volumes about the role of education in one's life.
Educational Experience
School life is full of various experiences, coming with various consequences. I was a young and timid boy during my elementary school days. Once, I heard my mother talking to my dad about the exceptional intelligence that I had. I was trying to fall sleep, but could not and managed to get some parts of the conversation. I remember that conversation impressed me a lot. I could not understand why my skills and achievements were exceptional, I took it for granted, but ever since that time I started noticing that I was the youngest in my class, because I started school a lot younger that most kinds. Because of his, I went through my school years a timid boy who did not want to participate in any competitive events.
My best experience came when I was a freshman. I had to learn a lot of things concerning participation in social activities. When we started our lessons as freshmen, my class teacher identified me out of the crowd and he realized that I was not particularly interested in answering even the simplest questions in class. Ironically, when he pointed at me to answer the questions in most occasions I gave the right answers. One day after class he called me to his office and asked why I behaved timid. I tried evading the question, but in the long run, we got to the point. He gave me a lot of insights on the benefits of participation and the extent of growth that I could achieve by embracing the insights that he was putting across.
Talking with my class teacher was one of the best turning points in my leadership career. One problem that I was battling with was lack of confidence and inferiority complex. The due battled me down, and all I had to do was to remain silent perceiving my thoughts as of less importance. In summer when the school elections were neighed I contested the position of class representative, I was cleared and voted in as the new class leader. I realized I had a potential and that gave me confidence, when my fellow students voted for me and admired my skills I started turning into a jovial and very interactive individual. Actually, even when I was back at home my parents noticed improvement in my social life. I did not know how else to thank my class teacher, he had helped me improve a big deal socially.
Information and Facts
My education course is a bit mysterious though interesting.I saturated schooling at the age of four at 2 Mason-Rice Elementary at Newton Centre in Massachusetts. I did not go for the pre-schooling session and that made me join elementary school one year younger .Since my parent w...
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