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Education Essay: Final Reflection on the Course

Essay Instructions:

Write a five-page essay describing how your experience in this course will impact your future teaching. Consider the course objectives and discuss how you have met or are on your way to meeting them. Use support from course content, materials, clinical observations in your discussion. Assignment rubric will be shared and discussed in class.

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Final Reflection on the Course
The students learning experiences and backgrounds have changed as modern classrooms consist of individuals from diversified cultures. As the teachers teach these diverse types of classes, the students also need to change their approach. The coursework that the students cover in their studies helps them develop concepts about adopting the best teaching methodologies in their future role as an instructor (Waitoller et al. 367). The theoretical concepts like culturally responsive pedagogy and Kaplan’s cultural thought patterns help individuals understand teaching students and engage them in a multicultural classroom environment.
Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
The culturally responsive pedagogy can be regarded as a student-focused methodology that helps identify the unique and diversified cultural strengths of the students. It allows the educational practitioners and institutes to promote a classroom-based environment where the students' learning capabilities are enhanced (Warren 170). Culturally responsive pedagogy can be categorized into multiple dimensions like personal, instructional, and institutional.
I believe that the adoption of culturally responsive pedagogy in the classroom promotes an equity-based and unbiased culture. The cultural biasness present in the classroom can be overcome through reflection and dedicated hard work. I think that it is essential to identify the components which are creating biasness in the classroom. The starting point can be to write down family history, interpersonal relationship styles, and upbringing reflection. Every individual’s experiences can be different in context to a culturally diverse environment. I believe that the emphasis of reflection must be on each student’s ideas about bias and racism. As a culturally responsive and capable instructor, I will reflect upon the biases, fears, and stereotypes present in each individual and how they differ. Once I can recognize that my personal opinions do not favor any particular culture, I can continue to appreciate and investigate the values and traditions present in those cultures. This learning will help me adopt an unbiased approach to teaching.
Kaplan’s Cultural Thought Patterns
Kaplan’s research related to cultural thought patterns and processes highlights how the language represents people’s thinking patterns. The culture influences the intercultural communication of people globally. The ESL (English as a Second Language) can use Kaplan’s Cultural Thought Patterns in understanding the thinking logic and patterns of students (Kaplan & Garner 72). Kaplan's reasoning is based on the idea that every language of the world is impacted by unique thought patterns that are reflective of the beliefs and collective customs of people. The individual's thinking pattern is visible by the way the person structures and orders the sentences in different paragraphs (Liu 138). Every language of the world has some unique features and attributes, and there is a distinct way of structuring sentences. The educational experts and instructors evaluate the student's sentence formation for getting an idea about the thought patterns.
For example, the English language is though patterns are represented through a straight line. The communication is linear and direct and remains close to the central theme of the topic. Using Kaplan’s Cultural Though Patterns concept in teaching ESL students can help in understanding their thinking logic and patterns. It will enable me to identify the areas that students fail to understand, focusing on their thinking patterns. The contrasting rhetoric patterns of every student will help me comprehend their culture-specific thought patterns. I believe that international students can benefit from adopting Kaplan’s theory in their learning and sentence formation. The students can succeed in their studies and the academic environment if they write content that follows English writing conventions and fulfills native speakers' and readers' requirements.
Remote Learning
In a remote learning environment, the educator and students are not present physically in a classroom. The information is shared and transmitted using video conferencing, live chat, online assessments, and discussion boards. The learning can be synchronous in an online and real-time peer-to-peer collaboration and interaction. The learning activities and assignments can be self-paced, which the students can do independently (Safi et al. 212). In remote learning, the educational activities, assignment collection, and distribution can be...
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