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Consequences of Failing to Solve the E-Waste Problem and Implementation of Solution

Essay Instructions:

Original instructions:
Need a rough draft to submit by Jan 30. 1000 words, 4 to 6 sources, have to use ebsco host for resources can’t be from google
Instructions from the previous order (the previous writer is no longer working on our platform).
Client: I got my rough draft back with notes from the professor. I need to have it revised with his notes for the final draft.
Feedback for the final draft:
Please follow professors instruction for revision on final draft. I have copied and pasted his notes and provided the assignment instruction. His notes:
Feedback for student
Go back to the drawing and review my instructions, especially the list of 11 items which show what kind of information needs to go into the paper. As it is now, the essay is more argument than a proposal to solve a problem. To make this topic work, I suggest you propose an electronic recycling program in your county and describe how to implement it. Along the way, incorporate most of the 11 items in my list:
1. Presentation of the problem
2. Demonstration that the problem exists and is serious
3. Causes of the problem
4. Consequences of failing to solve the problem
5. Description of the proposed solution
6. List of steps implementing the solution
7. Discussion of reasons to support the solution
8. Acknowledgment of counterarguments
9. Accommodation or refutation of counterarguments
10. Consideration of alternative solutions and statement of their disadvantages
11. Restatement of the proposed solution and its advantages
Another problem is that your not citing sources correctly in MLA style, and the works cited page has many errors. See chapters 55, 56, and 57, and review the formatting video in Module One for help.
It has to be 4-6 sources but they have to come from ebsco host not google

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student's Name
Recycling Electronic Wastes Proposal
Problem Description
Technological innovation has set forth the extensive use of electronic devices to meet several human needs, including the desire to stay in touch worldwide. As a result, consumers keep replacing their broken or outdated electronic appliances with new ones.  The next pile of discarded electronic devices is increasingly becoming the world's most significant and growing waste stream, resulting in environmental pollution. The United Nations environmental project study statistics show that approximately 49 million metric tons of waste are produced from electronic and computer devices annually globally (Kirkpatrick 17). E-waste is a widely known resource due to its potential to provide valuable elements such as silver, gold, iron, aluminum, and copper. However, most countries lack proper methods to dispose of and recycle e-waste efficiently. As a result, only around 15% of worldwide e-waste is adequately recycled even though recycling and recovering essential materials from e-waste results in various economic benefits (Heacock et al. 550). Thus, e-waste generation and disposal are increasingly becoming a worldwide issue.
Consequences of Failing to Solve the E-Waste Problem
E-waste disposal presents several environmental and health risks. According to Heacock et al., exposure to e-waste varies in terms of quantity, the length of processing history sites, processing techniques, and physiological sensitivity in women and small children (552). Although it is unknown how much e-waste pollution leads to adverse health impacts, it is thought to be a significant health factor in or near regions where informal recycling occurs. Research conducted in China and India indicates that hazardous waste can spread from processing facilities into the ecosystem (Heacock et al. 552). As a result, people ingest the waste through water, soil, dust, and food. Cumulative exposure to hazardous waste through ingestion and inhalation of the dust results in neurotoxicity and death in children. Prolonged exposure to heavy metals such as lead and mercury in electronic waste results in cancer. In addition, e-water leads to contamination of viable farming lands and water sources. Landfills are also getting too big for some places, and the poisonous chemicals pollute the ecosystem. Therefore, e-waste results in adverse effects on the environment and human health.
Proposed Solution
To prevent the devastation of the environment, people should be taught the impacts of dumping the equipment on the environment and the human body. Recycling is essential due to the high cost of manufacturing new products from scratch and the consequent depletion of available resources and energy. Elo Solutions is a United states recycling program committed to keeping the United States clean by recycling electronic waste. The program's objective is to recycle a great majority of the e-waste in the U.S to ensure none or little ends up in landfills. The program contracts with collectors and recyclers from different counties in the United States that comply with the federal, state, and local regulations and standards and the R2 recyclers standards. It does not allow the breaking of the laws associated with e-waste recycling.
The Elo touch program helps states recycle or donate these computers and electronic gadgets to separate the valuable elements and the hazardous product without contamination, thus preventing the effects of these chemicals. For example, Americans dump over mobile phones containing over sixty million dollars' gold or silver annually. However, for every one million phones recycled, seven hundred pounds of silver, over thirty-five thousand pounds of copper, and seventy pounds of gold can be recovered. Since manufacturing a PC and monitor requires over five hundred pounds of organic fuel, one ton of water, and forty pounds of chemicals, recycling a million laptops saves the power and energy equivalent to the energy used by three thousand five hundred homes annually (Kirkpatrick 18). Thus, recycling will save the energy and costs incurred in manufacturing new devices. Moreover, the Elo touch helps protect the environment from hazardous chemicals found in electronics that may otherwise cause health issues. According to Sutawong et al., the impact of electronic waste on health and the environment takes a long time to spring, although once it does, the associated health effects are adverse (160). Thus, implementing recycling programs will reduce the amount of waste discarded in the environment and landfills at large.
Implementation of the Solution
Missouri is a small and established county in the United States. Am...
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