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Creative Writing
English (U.S.)
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The Wall: Arguing a Claim of Policy

Essay Instructions:

In an essay of 750-1000 words (editorial/column lengh---21/2-3 pages) defend a claim of policy using appropriate evidence/support to defend what you claim. Essentially, you will establish that a problem or issue exists and offer a reasonable proposal to address the issue or problem, and one that has potential to be implemented. Consider a recent issue that addresses a local, state, regional, national or international issue. Likely, you will propose an institutional change or stance or the issue and persuade an audience to consider or accept the need for such a change or stance.

Key considerations:

-Establish that a problem or issue does in fact exist

-make an explicit and (specific claim) of policy

-Address at least one counterargument

-Use at least two sources in the body or your argument---one in support and one in opposition

-Identify the author, publication, and date of your sources in the body of your argument using journalistic style and cite according to MLA style in a work cited page.

-Consider the needs and concerns of key stakeholders (your audience)

-Write about an issue that is of interest to you or pushes your buttons in some way.

Some possible topic idears.

-Building and subsidizing affordable housing in the METRO area.

-Renting High Price in Oregon

-Tolls on Oregon freeways

-Address a specific immigration reform proposal(or address "the wall")

-Propose a specific solution for a specific homeless issue


Note: Please do not address the subjects of abortion or the death penalty. Write for an audience, be open mind and readers trust in you, use evidence and reason to support your argument.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name Instructor Course Date The Wall Walls such as the Great Wall of China have been constructed since the ancient times of Socrates and Plato to the construction of the Berlin wall in the 19th century. The walls run over thousands of kilometers and server particular purpose. Since the beginning of the 20th century, there has been a surge in illegal immigrants from Mexico. Some immigrants enter the US soil as drug traffickers while others gain illegal access as they seek a home away from home. Efforts to curtain illegal immigration at the US-Mexican border have not been fruitful. “The wall,” as proposed by President Donald Trump is no difference. According to trump, construction of the wall will prevent direct access between of US by Mexicans. The proposal by the president has however not been positively received by all Americans. While some view the endeavor as impractical and a waste of taxpayers’ money, others consider it a a sure way of cutting out illegal Mexican Immigrants to the United States and This paper is therefore aimed at discussing policy documents in support and in objection of the wall policy, as well as providing an explanation based on the needs of the affected people. Lawyers and human rights activists have been in the forefront in opposing the policy of building the wall. The Fifth Amendment has been instrumental in supporting the claims by the lawmakers on the breach of constitution in case the policy is adopted. According to an article written by Ephrat Livni in january18th, 2019, the takings clause states that the government has to pay a fair price for land taken (6). Livni argues that it would be impractical to pay for land running over 2000 miles Livni goes further and states that 95 percent of the Rio Grande- Texas stretch is privately owned (6). According to an article written by Roche, David, et al. in the Environmental Law Reporter 2017, much of the wall is bound to pass along privately held land, or lands owned by Native tribes (63). Additionally, the wall poses environmental restrictions to animals. According to an article written by Cohn, Jeffrey P. building of the wall would restrict Mexican wildlife such as javelinas and ocelots (96). Cohn, and Jeffrey goes further and says the wall will also prevent jaguars from accessing and repopulating the southern areas of US such as Arizona, as is the case at present (96). According to an arti...
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