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Untold Pain

Essay Instructions:
I need Argument paper on living with Pain from Cancer. ------------------------------------------------------- 1.) My father die 6 month after his birthday 2.) Never talk about the pain 3.) Was always worried about his wife and not himself. 4.) He was father of nine; seven boys and two girls 5.) The owner of a four bedroom, two bathrooms, and two car garages home, along with a Trucking business. 6.) I need it to be happy and sad. 7.) Sources: Hospital, Arkansas Cancer center, new paper and Health Magazine 8.) My father was 62 years ------------------------------------------------------------- A sample way to start out:------------------------- While doodling on a piece of paper, setting in the floor in front of the television, I sat there listening to a story I will never forget. My father was telling a story of a friend of his. His voice was breaking up while he tries to talk and explain at the same time. I listen to him talk about the pain in which his friend was going thru, never new what he was talking about. He never once said what was causing the pain or what was killing his friend. My father had been acting strange lately, and looking back at it all, it was as if he knew that he had cancer and that all of our lives were about to take a huge u-turn.
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Untold Pain
My dad finally died on august 2005, barely six months were over since we celebrated his 69th birthday. However, I am having a rough time trying to adapt to the situation. He had died of lung cancer, the merciless disease (Cancercompass, 7) that had haunted him for years. Coupled with some other minor illnesses, the cancer monster really took advantage of my father`s vulnerable body.
Never talk about the pain near me again, the memory of the past burs the feature, "Dad wherever u are, I know you are resting from that pain." I can remember my father coughing, a prolonged cough, that was accompanied with blood spits and chest pain. He could not talk but from the signals, you could feel the pain. Sometimes tears could not be contained during these painful moments. As if this was not enough, the cancer monster went ahead and denied him the sleep. Dad. I really pity the old man, He spend the rest of his nighttime coughing, and the worst moments came when the weather could not spare him. During dusty seasons and cold nights, the old man could see hell on this Earth.
I vividly remember on that occasion when the old man summoned all of us, it was as if he had sensed that something had gone wrong, in the his family behaved. He had insisted on seeing all of us on the dinner table for the evening. I was held up in a job meeting, I arrived late realizing that my two brothers were absent. This had aggravated the old man, He felt so depressed, I tried to explain the situation but he could not be convinced. The old man still believed his sickness had sent the whole family into disarray. He tried to assert his authority by summoning the whole family for dinner. However he was disappointed to realize that a son of his could no longer follow his instructions, but this was just his perception in tried to explain to him the excuses my brothers had forwarded but I could not succeed. The rest is painful to narrate; He was admitted back and was bedridden for one month before he finally parted ways with us.
He was always worried about his wife and not himself, Mum, a soft-spoken woman. The old man somehow viewed her as a less competent personality incapable of issuing commands the way he did. Mum was a laid-back personality who believed in dialogue as the best way of handling situations (Jaffe and Smith 8). To Dad, this was a grave mistake in the family, which made him continuously doubt her ability to replace him in ...
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