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Creative Writing
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Creative Writing Essay: Thematic Core of Livingston’s “Paris is Burning”

Essay Instructions:

Course name: Gender&Sexuality


You must write about something different for every paper. This means you can’t just write about Joan Wallach Scott and Donna Haraway for every paper. There must be variety.

Course outline:

Week 1 (10/01) – Introduction

- Watch Paris is Burning

Week 2 (10/08) – Joan Wallach Scott, “Gender: A Useful Term for Historical Analysis” and Donna Haraway, “’Gender’ for a Marxist Dictionary: The Sexual Politics of a Word”

- Watch: Daughters of the Dust

Week 3 (10/15) – Selections from Michel Foucault, The History of Sexuality: Volume I”

- Watch: Hannah Gadsby’s Nanette

Week 4 (10/22) Dr. Sarah Krier

- Watch The Crying Game

- First Paper Due

The Assignment:

It's time for your first paper (3 pages, 900 words). It can be about any topic we have read or discussed.

The papers must also contain your own thoughts, opinions, and criticisms of what we’ve been reading. Papers must be double-spaced, typed in 12-point Times New Roman or a similar font with one-inch margins top/bottom and left/right. The crafting of a paper of this length is often more difficult than writing a longer paper, so plan the time it will take to write accordingly. I am looking to see that you understand the material we are covering, therefore try not to bring in outside references unless they are relevant to the argument you are trying to make. I am more than happy to look at the papers before you hand in your final drafts.

Do not use Wikipedia. It’s not rigorously checked for factual accuracy and nor written by experts in the field.

(I think you can find these materials online, if you cannot find them please send me message and I will find them for you. Just simple summarize some of the four weeks' work and give own opinions. Do not be so academic. Just a small paper work. Thank you;)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Thematic Core of Livingston’s “Paris is Burning”
Paris is Burning appears to be thematically relevant to New York’s ball culture of 1991. It also traces back to the mid-to-late eighties concerning racism, sexism, and poverty in America. It depicts the spirit of Black, gender-nonconforming individuals and their talent to stick at self-esteem against both social and cultural pressures, which tend to negate their humanity. In particular, Paris is Burning has core themes of gender, racism, and the black race's socio-cultural history through the self-esteemed participants of the ballroom and projects the absence of this self-esteem for the marginalized group today’s America.
There is no definite plot; it is instead a documentary wrapping in the key fights a marginalized group of people has to go through in the USA. It introduces us to a director who has to interview several of the ball culture's leading characters. One of those stars includes Angie X’travaganza, the maker of the House of X’travaganza. The last name of the singer is self-adopted. She is a transgender performer with a good voice and body moves in the ball scene. She adopted several poor street children and trained them to become singers and dancers. Another glowing light in the ball scene is Pepper Labeija. She also boasts an influential personality being a fashion artist. It was her designs that beautified many participants through stylish costumes. Besides a famous fashion designer, she is also an influential ball scene performer. When she performs, her moves seem to have Egyptian touch (College). Apart from this, LaBeija has won more than two hundred and fifty rewards as a fashion artist and performer at the ball scene. The documentary spotlights many other characters, indicating their misery as being disowned by their parents. In this wake, the documentary emphasizes the concept of ‘houses’ for them (Cuoco). Every house is, in reality, alternate parenthood for those being disowned by the actual parents.
Moreover, the houses also accommodate the people suffering from homophobia with families. Ultimately, with the breakdown of the ball scene, various contestants become conscious about the breakdown of their lives (College). They begin to feel frustrated for the desertion of their support setup.
The insolent happiness visible in the ball scene participants at various instants of the documentary was infectious at the end of the twentieth century despite several social, cultural, and health issues. These chief issues involve AIDS, gender discrimination, homophobia, extreme poverty, violence, harassment, obsession, and many other adversities of that time (Reddy 360). Also, the current state of the traditional and sociocultural aspects of America are connected to the movie released a century ago. The current age of falsehood over social media, anti-trans bill, the resurrection of white dominance philosophy, migration barriers, racial and religious bias, sexism, and violent actions to subdue social and huma...
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