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2 pages/≈550 words
Creative Writing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 7.2

Short Story

Essay Instructions:
If you notice the topic, I just put short story (as this is one). Do make a creative title for this short story. This is a two page paper. Follow instructions carefully as follow: The Embedded Research Paper Writers need details to make writing interesting and engaging no matter what they are writing about and regardless of the genre they write in. For your final paper, you will write a paper that creatively embeds the research that you did in the first paper. You will do this by using the details of your research to create interesting detail and descriptions in a short story that you create. So, the final assignment is a short story of your creation that uses your topic and research from the 1st paper. Papers that do not meet 1 or more of the minimum requirements will not be accepted. - Length: 2-3 pages - Genre: Short Story - Presentation/Format: General MLA format (no in-text citations or works cited needed) - Skills: Description, narrative, creativity, developing an intuitive sense of detail and timing - Must address topic and use substantial research from 1st paper. Also, additional instructions will be in an attachment as well as the 1st Paper.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Your Name Student Id Date Institution Name Lecturer Name Virtuous Living Due to change in living style and the environment which people are exposed today mainly predetermine the way of life on which they live. However, there are those traits and virtues which should be practiced by most people to be successful in their life and be happy or contented on what they do. By adhering to the virtues being discussed in this paper will eventually increase ones happiness. One is expected to practice temperance which is being able to moderate or restrain what they eat or drink. It`s necessary to control what one eat or drink relation to their health. Such moderations require a lot of self discipline to be able to control someone feelings which is paramount to be able to have control over the desires which one would experience. Practice of being silence and only speak on issues which are of benefit to yourself and others with an aim of trifling conversations. When someone is not able to have control on what they say they most likely end up making comments which are offensive to others and even themselves which would make them not to be happy. Orderliness and being able to ensure that whatever is being done is in order is of essence as it is meant to make everything is at its rightful place and each part of what one does has its time. This helps in planning and apportioning time to balance all what someone is intended to do or cover. When someone is not orderly they will mostly not be able to have control of what they have and it would lead to over emphasis of something`s while ...
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