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Researched Arguments as Short Essays

Essay Instructions:

1 Researched Arguments as Short Essays Four short research papers that might include, but are not limited to, critical literature reviews of an emerging topic, theory building that is in the early stages of development, or new analysis / methods applied to existing data. Short papers are more focused and succinct contributions to the research program, and are likely to have a smaller scope of contribution How can you establish a set of truths, supported by finding evidence through engaged research with experts related to your theme. One of your goals is to go where the evidence leads you. This may be contrary to your initial interest or sense of what you began thinking was the solution to the problem according to your personal beliefs or moral codes, since this is an intellectual investment in a subject area or theme. Brainstorm: Write a list of everything you can think of on your topic. Don’t worry about order - just get as many ideas down as possible. Or write a list of questions you would like to answer. Consider such aspects as who, what, where, when, why, how, and so what. Make a simple tentative outline to guide your research. List the major items which came out of your brainstorming in the order you think they should be discussed. If you have thought of sub-ideas or examples at this stage, organize them under the appropriate major headings. Decide on your working thesis statement. This focused statement prepares both you and your reader for the essay. Your thesis statement helps you keep track of your purpose and organization and gives the reader an overview of what is to come. Organizing Strategy: • Set deadlines for the task of writing/editing: • Research • Final Outline • Writing an essay draft • Typing • Proofreading, (Key Components: Format, Grammar, Style and Organization) • Revise and Rewrite 2 3 Introduction: The introduction provides your essay with direction and interest. Your reader will want to know what the essay will be discussing 1. arouse reader interest (by using facts or examples or by explaining the significance of the subject) 2. introduce the central idea 3. identify your purpose and state the main points to be discussed 4. State the thesis clearly and concisely • In one-to-two paragraphs. The main structure of your introduction should begin with a broad view of the subject and then narrow to the point of your essay, the thesis statement. Thesis Statement: The thesis statement should simply and clearly express your point of view about the topic you have chosen. It announces your main idea and what the paper will discuss. The theses statement is usually included in your introduction. The thesis statement should NOT be an observable fact or a personal opinion. Observable fact: Writing a research paper is a requirement of this course. Personal opinion: I prefer not to write research papers. A good thesis statement: Writing a research paper is relatively easy as long as the writer follows certain specific, sequential tasks. This thesis statement indicates your point of view without using expressions such as “In my opinion…” or “I think that…” Your thesis statement should encourage the reader to want to continue reading. Body Text: Lies between the introductory paragraph and the concluding paragraph. Consists of a series of paragraphs which contain the information, details and examples that build up the central idea of the introduction and support your thesis. Must follow a sensible pattern of organization. Develops one point per paragraph to support the thesis. Paragraphs should be linked so that the reader can follow your thought processes. This can be achieved by: 1. using transition words in the first sentence of the paragraph ( e.g. first, therefore ). 2. putting key words in the final sentence of one paragraph and repeating them in the first sentence of the next paragraph. e.g. Many world leaders have been forced to take extraordinary precautions to ensure their safety. However, one leader who might have benefited from more stringent controls was Indira Ghandi. The assassination of Mrs. Ghandi . . . Conclusion: 4 The concluding paragraph focuses the readers’ attention to the purpose, thesis, and subject of your essay once again. The concluding paragraph begins with an extended statement of the thesis and traces the consequences of the idea to a broader elaboration of the central idea. Conclusions should: 1. provide a summary of the main points presented 2. include a restatement of the central idea 3. have a concluding opinion supported by evidence presented in the paper 4. offer an answer to a series of questions raised in the paper 5. relate to and pull together the ideas and information in the introduction and body. 6. not be more than 2 paragraphs in length. 7. and finally, and most importantly, not simply restate the points proven in the body of the essay Final Checklist:

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Researched Arguments as Short Essays
Cities and states may choose to adopt minimum wage levels that are higher than the federal level. For instance, the Washington minimum wage was $13.50 in 2020 compared to $12 in 2019 and $15 per hour in Seattle. On the surface, increasing the minimum wage is improving the quality of life and well-being of low-wage earners, but this is not always the case. There is strong support for and against raising the minimum wage. The minimum wage is a mechanism for regulating wages in labor markets and a large wage inequality gap in the US. The minimum wage affects employees and employees and considering the impact of increase the minimum wages on different stakeholders is necessary before adopting new minimum wage laws and policies.
Reason for minimum wage
Supporters of raring the minimum wage often highlight that it has the potential to reduce poverty and inequality. Since minimum wage laws target the low-wage earners it is often argued that raising the minimum wage level will improve the workers’ living standards as they have more disposable income (Jardim 6). There is an assumption that the labor market would be able to absorb the higher costs of labor. However, there are huge differences in the labor markets of various industries and the effect of higher minimum wages. For the least skilled workers, a drastic increase in the minimum wage offers an opportunity to increase earnings to livable wages. However, this also depends on the industry as minimum wage increases have a disproportionately negative impact on low-profit margin industries where labor costs are a major cost of doing business. Considering the welfare implications of wage increase requires evaluating the income gains and losses from wage and income distribution (Jardim 6). Protecting employee wages as a way to reduce poverty is based on the idea that higher income to a livable wage where the workers are less likely to live in poverty and be on welfare.
Minimum wage increase and employees
An increase in the minimum wage affects the least skilled workers the most mostly the young people, inexperienced workers, and women. This is especially for those working in the service industry, and without an increase in labor productivity, it is more challenging to get better-paying jobs. There is an inverse relationship between the minimum wage and employment, especially among the young lowly paid workers who lack transferable skills. Jardim et al. evaluated the impact of the Seattle Minimum Wage Ordinance on employment and hours' effects for the wage rate rose to $11 in 2015...
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