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Persuasive paper for Polyamory

Essay Instructions:
You should select a topic of personal interest: science, history, politics, culture, or perhaps something related to your major and career interest(s).3 You will need to select a topic that can be adequately focused. For example, you cannot write an entire history of the class conflict in the United States. Whatever you decide, your paper should make a claim and offer support (grounds, backing and evidence) for that claim (thesis/position). Identify the issue, explain the issue, and tell your audience where you stand and why. Evidence and Support Use a combination of evidence and logic to effectively argue your position: personal experience, interviews, published sources, facts and statistics. Please note that Paper V is the final assignment simultaneously the final exam of the course, and there will be no Peer-Review Revision Workshop of Paper V although you are more than welcomed to exchange drafts independently, as peer review is a valid and recommended part of the writing process. In addition, you are free to utilize the MCTC Student Writing Center, which is located in the MCTC Learning Center, for support. Please see the URL below for more contact and scheduling information: http://www(dot)minneapolis(dot)edu/Student-Services/Support-Services/Learning-Center 3 Restricted Topics: affirmative action, abortion, capital punishment, corporal punishment, the environment, child abuse, spousal abuse, any war(s), any positions for specific candidates or politicians in or out of an official office, any political parties, smokers, smoking, underage drinking, change in drinking laws as they may relate to age and/or legal intoxication limit, drugs and drug legalization, religion, premarital sex, teen sex, teen pregnancy, animal testing, endangered species, how to make beer, same sex marriage, euthanasia, the many uses of hemp, terrorism, and abstinence The number of sources you use will depend on your subject; however, you must incorporate a minimum of five (5) critical sources in your position (persuasive) paper: only one (1) of the five (5) required sources for the position (persuasive) paper may be a web page, an informal survey, and/or an unpublished interview. A paper and/or annotated bibliography that fails to fulfill the minimum word and/or the minimum source requirements is an incomplete paper, and incomplete papers are assessed a grade of zero (0). The annotated bibliography does not have a minimum word count, but it does have a minimum source count of fifteen (15) cited sources with specific source type criteria. An annotated bibliography that fails to fulfill the source type and/or minimum number of sources requirement will receive a failing grade
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Tutor: Course: Date: Persuasive Paper for Polyamory Introduction The Gender Equity Resource Centre defines polyamory as the state of an individual being in more than one open, romantic and often sexual relationship simultaneously and with the consent and knowledge of all the partnersCITATION Tao08 \p 18 \l 1033 (Cook, Commitment in Polyamorous relationships 18). Polyamory is relatively new to the modern world. However, it has been practiced for centuries by some communities in the United States. The Oneida community a New York religious community practiced polyamory in the 1800s. Members of the community were actively encouraged to practice polyamory openly but with the consent of their sexual partnersCITATION Sar11 \p 10 \l 1033 (Wheeler 10). Scientific American estimates that approximately 5% of American are looking for relationships outside of their committed relationships. Polyamory provides a platform through which these individuals can channel their desires in an open, free and legitimate manner. CNN reports that there are approximately 50,000 polyamorous relationships in the United StatesCITATION Ema13 \p ": cnn.com" \l 1033 (Grinberg: cnn.com). Globally, the number would be significantly higher noting that there exist societies that have allowed polyamory prior to civilization. Polyamory faces significant challenges, especially following its association with LGBT communities. Individuals who have practiced polyamory have reported significant backlash from the community around them. This being attributed in part due to ignorance and apathy from the community. Polyamorous couples have however reported their primary relationships being stronger after opening up their previously monogamous relationships. Terri Conley, a psychologist with the University of Michigan, corroborate the report that 5% of relationships are non-monogamousCITATION Ste13 \p ": scientificamerican.com" \l 1033 (Pappas: scientificamerican.com). The data shows that members of the LGBT communities are more likely to be in polyamorous relationships that heterosexual couplesCITATION Ste13 \p ": scientificamerican.com" \l 1033 (Pappas: scientificamerican.com). Polyamory, however, is different from open relationships or swinging. Mainstream society is apathetic to open relationships and swinging arguing that they promote promiscuity and moral decadence in society. Polyamory, on the other hand, ensures that all partners are aware of the other partners' involvement in other relationships. It requires that partners seek each other's permission prior to engaging in relationships outside of the primary connection. The paper, therefore, seeks to gain an understanding of polyamory. The paper will delve into the topic and attempt to determine the motivations, underlying emotions, challenges and the end goal of polyamorous relationships. The paper will be based on the premise that non-monogamous relationships particularly polyamory can be preferable to monogamous relationships. The paper will provide empirical evidence to support its claim. It will also juxtapose the two forms or relationships and critically compare them Grounds for Supporting Polyamory The critical argument by opponents of polyamory is that polyamory would result in the destruction of the societal foundation. The arguments being based on the notion that society is based the family as a social institution. The argument stems from ignorance and is an attempt by individuals who are unwilling to research on the issue to present a coherent argument. Polyamory advocates for committed relationships with more than one individual. Thus, commitment is a central tenet of polyamorous relationships. It is the value that differentiates polyamory from other social relationships such as open relationships and swinging. Polyamory requires that the partners actively seek to create an environment of trust. Polyamory by its very nature fosters an environment which if not adequately fostered would breed conflict. Multiple partners mean that there is often jealousy that breeds between partnersCITATION Sim03 \p 5 \l 1033 (Fraser 5). Individuals in polyamorous relationships have created elaborate communication platforms to ensure that they can proactively counter disputes where they occur. Proper communication occurs where the partners are actively engaged in finding solutions to problems before they arise. The result is a cohesive family unit that can compete equitably with monogamous relationships. It is this particular challenge that forces polyamorous relationships to formulate measures that ensure the survival and longevity of their relationships. These challenges also require that the partners remain continuously alert to ensure new challenges do not arise. Individuals in polyamorous relationships have indicated that their ability to engage in polyamorous relationships was empowering. The freedom to choose the structure of their relationship independent of society expectations was liberating. The individuals were able to decide on how they would be able to run their personal affairs. Polyamorous families have also noted that they are more stable. The likelihood of a partner choosing to cheat is significantly lowered as partners can choose to engage in extra-relational relationships whether casual or long term relationshipsCITATION Coo08 \p 97 \l 1033 (Cook, Commitment in Polyamory 97). More than two individuals in a relationship ensure that children in the family are constantly under adult supervision. Children also have more adult role models to emulate. They can grow in an atmosphere that fosters freedom of choice and the respect for American constitutional rights. Children will also be able to appreciate the need to respect the rights of other individuals noting that their socialization is based on an institution that has yet to gain widespread public acceptanceCITATION Ger10 \p 7 \l 1033 (Weitzman 7). Monogamous relationships argue that they are natural while polyamorous relationships are unnatural. However, statistics indicate that non-monogamous relationships are more likely to succeedCITATION Bar10 \p 750 \l 1033 (Barker, Meg and Langdridge 750). The divorce rate in the US is close to 50%CITATION Jam15 \p 11 \l 1033 (Lewis and Kreider 11). The number of intact marriages that have been affecte...
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