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1 pages/≈275 words
Creative Writing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 3.6

My profile

Essay Instructions:
Directions: Tell the class about yourself. But also reflect on your situation now and evaluate it, as much as you feel comfortable doing. So tell us what you're currently involved in. But how do you like it? What is rewarding about it? What's challenging about it? Why do you feel that way? Where do you see yourself 10 years from now? What are you most afraid of standing in your way to achieve your goals? Why? What are you confident about? Where do you get your confidence from? What I'm asking you to do is help the class, and me, to understand where you're coming from. Write about 300 words. Type your draft right into the text box or copy/paste your text. involved in finishing my accounting degree and i love it. reward is that finally ill get my degree , something i always wanted. challenge is passing all my classes, been a single parent with a full time job. 10 years from now i see my self working for an amazing company a nd owening a house. wat im afraid of is getting a very bad sickness, n why because my mom die from cancer and my dad from a heart attack. confidence is that i work hard for what i want and dont give up easily . i was tought that everytime you fall you get up and keep trying.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Lecturer Course Date: My Profile I am a student currently involved in completing my studies to earn an accounting degree. My passion for the subject is undoubted, and this makes me love my studies; indeed, many students would shy away from the calculations but I love the challenge. I love it because of the important skills acquired from the practice gives an experience and understanding of how to dealing with day to day economy. One is also able to understand the financial aspects of any business and hence running one will not be hard; in fact, my future ambitions of being an entrepreneur are anchored in this course and close monitoring of the business financial position is a crucial element in its growth and success. The main reward is the degree itself, which will be a channel to start my profession, but above all is the skills acquired which will help me in achieving a great career in the future; this will a dream come true. This degree will also enable me increase the standards of accounting and enhance the management of funds. The challenge in my study is balancing of my studies and other duties; being a single parent and having a full time job tends to have a toll on me but I always focus on the ultimate price (the degree). I have to ensure I plan my time to give maximum concentration on the many duties that are in my schedule. My future plans are that ten years from now I see myself working for a big company and owning a house of my own. As stated earlier this will be a steppi...
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