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4 pages/≈1100 words
Creative Writing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 14.4

Major Career Development And Planing Research Assignemnt

Essay Instructions:

Guidelines for final project response (due no later than Monday, March 20th at 5pm):
Please choose one assignment from the following options to submit for your final assignment. Type up your response according to the guidelines listed in the syllabus, and upload your assignment as a WORD attachment or PDF at the bottom of this assignment.
Your response will be evaluated on the basis of: a) how well you demonstrate an understanding of and engagement with the assignment task; b) the clarity and quality of your writing; c) your overall effort on the assignment. The assignment will be graded on a scale of 0-25 points, and the grader's comments and grade should be available to you as soon as possible.
The assignment is due on Monday, March 20th at 5 pm (the week of finals). NO GRACE PERIOD WILL BE GIVEN, thus be sure to have your assignment uploaded onto e-Commons on time. To repeat, no assignments after 5pm on Monday will be accepted.
The final assignment consists of a larger task and a longer reflection paper and makes up 15% of your overall grade. The assignment is designed to help you think more deeply about class and reading material, and engage with campus resources that can help and support you.
The questions posed in each option are designed to help guide your thinking and response. You are not required to respond to all (or even any) of the listed questions, although your responses should be organized in some way. As with any writing assignment, providing sufficient background information to your topic and offering specific examples to support your views will make your ideas clearer and more convincing.
You are welcome to write beyond the minimum page requirement for the assignment.
NOTE: Some of the options are duplicates from the midterm assignment. Complete a DIFFERENT assignment than your midterm assignment. You will not be given credit if you complete the same option assignment twice, even if you take a different angle on the assignment. Make sure the content of your essay DOES NOT, in any way, repeat, reiterate or rehash anything you wrote in your midterm essay.
If there was an assignment on the midterm list that you'd like to do and that is not listed below, ask Emily if you can do it for this assignment.
Option 1:
Make an appointment or attend drop-in advising hours to discuss your academic progress, ‘sophomore plan' and summer goals with an adviser at your college. Before your meeting, visit the UCSC advising website to review the University's timeline for student progress. Also review your ‘Academic Advising Report' (AAR) on your portal (see this video if you cannot locate your AAR).
After your meeting, write a 3-4 page reflection about your meeting. Summarize what you discussed in your meeting, what advice your adviser gave to you, what your future plans are and how you plan to achieve your goals.
I need this essay by sunday night 12am. If you can not finish, please leave the message to me as soon as possible.
Make an appointment or attend drop-in advising hours to discuss your academic progress, ‘sophomore plan' and summer goals with an adviser at your college. Before your meeting, visit the UCSC advising website to review the University's timeline for student progress. Also review your ‘Academic Advising Report' (AAR) on your portal (see this video if you cannot locate your AAR).
After your meeting, write a 3-4 page reflection about your meeting. Summarize what you discussed in your meeting, what advice your adviser gave to you, what your future plans are and how you plan to achieve your goals.
This is my Topic,I didnt interview with the advisor so please help me to made it up. Also review your ‘Academic Advising Report' (AAR) on your portal (see this video if you cannot locate your AAR).you dont have to care about this sentence

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Career Development
To better refine my career choice and path, I took some time to reach out to the career adviser at the university. I booked an appointment on Wednesday and had a chance to with him on Friday. We met for half an hour in his office. With a welcome tone and spirit, he took me through some of the aspects that I needed to work on as a I pursue my dream to become a policy analyst (Bisk). This was after I expressed my interest in the field. The information offered during the meeting is going to go along way into helping me organize my efforts towards developing my career in an area that I am passionate about.
During the meeting, we discussed a number of aspects that I needed to take heed of, with close reference to developing the skills and basis relevant to the career of choice. One of the major topics of discussion included, helping to better understand what a policy analyst responsibilities involve. Ideally this is a profession that involves studying and analyzing political systems, with reference to their origin the way that have evolved over the years and how they continue to change and hoe they operate in different settings ("Careers – Policy Analyst: Health Jobs, Training Jobs – Public Health Workforce"). As such, I could focus on a number of areas such as political theory, international relations, comparative politics or even American politics. Using both quantitative and/or qualitative research, political analysts can easily work on understanding the historical trends in a certain field relative to government structures and even the policies in place (The University of Newcastle). The theories surrounding the policies can then be tested in reference to advancing the understanding of the policy relations with reference to the systems in place, the policies and the expected outcomes (Bisk). Being a political analyst is a largely that has in the past been involved with government officials. However, with the recent growth in the field, it is also possible to venture into private practice such as forming a consultancy firm.
During the meeting the adviser highlighted on the scope of the profession, relative to what I need to understand as I make more informed choices. Some of the areas covered in the scope included political systems and political ideologies; in this case, relative to the American political system. there is also the element associated with collecting and analyzing information on political opinions and election results surveys and using qualitative and quantitative research methods to develop and test theories on policies (Western University). The scope also involves, monitoring policy trends, make forecasts on economic, social and political trends along with writing reports, giving presentations and publishing findings.
I will need a good mix of soft and hard skills to be successful in this profession. There are a number of skills that are considered must-haves. One of the skills that is going to crucial is strong analytical abilities, as this is instrumental in the evaluation and interpretation of the data collected during research (The University of Newcastle). Critical thinking is also a crucial skill as it part of the abilities to see beyond the data analysis, by drawing logical conclusions, make recommendations and even develop forecasts ("Careers – Policy Analyst: Health Jobs, Training Jobs – Public Health Workforce"). Among the soft skills that I will have to develop and maintain include intellectual curiosity and a strong mind set for success. These are important for the basi...
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