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Focus on one important aspect of your education. Creative Writing Essay

Essay Instructions:

Focus on one important aspect of your education, and you will connect this important aspect to "one" of the text below: Malcolm X's "Coming to awarness of Language," Alexie's "Superman and me," Cohn's "Night school," Madera's "One Voice," Raymond's " On being 17, Bright, and unable to read," Gatto's "Against School," Khan-Culler's "When they call you a terrorist, A black lives matter" (Chapter 1-2), Capo-Crucet's "Taking my parent to College"

You will have one reasearch task for this essay: choosing the "one" text that connects most powerfully to the aspect of your education that you are focusing on this essay. This counts as your secondary research . You may agree or disagree with the text using your focus and educational history.

Provide MLA 8 format to give the author of the text you choose credit for his/ her ideas. This means that you must: 1.) Create a Works Cited page and place it at the end of the essay

2.) Provide in-text citations within your essay

Format: Double spaced, Times new roman 12 pt. font

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Creative Writing
Malcolm X is a renewed and inspiring leader in the history. His main success lies in his grip over the language and the way he used to communicate with others. After listening to his speeches, we can understand how beautifully and impressively he conveyed his messages, ideas, emotions, and thoughts. In the short narrative titled Coming to an Awareness of Language, Malcolm X can be seen sharing the story of a young man (Malcolm X) who worked hard to establish himself. It took the young man many years to develop himself from an uneducated street hustler to a qualified and wise man (Verschik 2).
He has recalled his time in the Norfolk Prison Colony School as “free in life” (Verschik 3). At the beginning of his essay, Malcolm X accepts the fact that his vocabulary was limited and it constricted his possibilities of communication. He also says that not only his grip on the language was limited, but also he did not know how to express his feelings and emotions without any hesitation. At a point, he states “I was frustrated at not being able to express what I wanted to convey in the letters that I had written” (Verschik 5).
Honestly speaking, I have been through the same situation. During my academic career, I was challenged for my lexicon, and one of my teachers once asked me to either quit on studies or improve the grammar as soon as possible. As an international student, it was vital for me to pass some English language courses before applying for admission in the United States.
Here in my country, there is no system of speaking English with one another, so it took me much time to find a suitable teacher to teach me the grammar. Mr. Alex John was found on a social networking website, and I requested him to become my English teacher. He taught me the basics of English and helped me improve my reading and writing skills.
I was lucky to pass the English test held at the university, and my admission was confirmed in a couple of weeks. The next step was to fly to the United States before the announcement of the classes. I did the same after finding suitable accommodation close to the campus. I had no idea that it was not going to be easy for me to survive over there since more than 90 percent students in my class were native speakers, having a firm grip over the English language.
Just like Malcolm X, it took me a little time to realize and appreciate the beauty of words that come with the English language (Verschik 8). I began visiting the main library on a regular basis and built my vocabulary and grammar with time. Malcolm X believed that words are not just a way to convey your message, but are a “decoration” used to enhance your opinions and ideas, letting you express yourself vividly.
It is safe to say that Malcolm X’s opinion regardi...
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