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Government Breach Our Privacy of Global Security

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Student Name Professor Name Course Date Government Breach Our Privacy of Global Security The world we live in is full of challenges, but it may not be possible for us to pick up newspapers, watch television, listen to the radio and scan the news portals on a regular basis. Still, we should manage our time and spare a couple of hours every day to know what’s going on nationally and internationally. Global security is all about measures taken by governments and non-profit organizations like European Union and United Nations to ensure safety and protection of the people. We cannot know the status of our security on a national or international level until or unless we read newspapers, watch television or scan different news outlets on the internet (Gilead 2014). It is the responsibility of every government to provide its citizens with complete privacy and safety; meanwhile, they have no right to interfere with our personal matters or breach our privacy. For example, the government should not keep an eye on what’s going on inside our house, what have we eaten, do we have weapons for personal safety or not. All these are one’s own matters, and the governments should never get involved in such things. In the same way, the government should never breach our privacy of global security (Barakat, Bouna, Nassar, & Guyeux 2016). Limits on power Privacy is one of the limits on private sector firms as well as the government. The more they know about us, the higher will be their chances of ruining our lives of creating a mess for us. That’s why everything should be within its limits; for example, we should never share our personal data with anyone outside our country. Similarly, the government should never share the private information of the people with other states until or unless they seek permission of the rightful owners (Aplin). Sometimes the personal data is used for wrongful purposes, and this can create multiple problems for people. It is also used to influence our decisions or shape our behavior and is often used to exercise control on the citizens. While living in a country, we are supervised by police and the government officers in one way or the other. They keep our private data with them to avoid any problem. But if they expose the sensitive information to the world, preferably through the internet, then they can be blamed for breaching our privacy. And when our data reaches the wrong hands, it can cause problems for us inside and outside the country (Varuhas 2018). Respect for people Privacy is all about respecting people and valuing humanity. If a person wants to keep his matters private, then it doesn’t mean he is trying to commit a crime or is involved in a wrong deed. Maybe, he doesn’t want the world to know about his existence and want to ensure the safety of his family and friends. In such circumstances, the governments should respect our feelings and emotions, and should not disrespect anyone by sharing their data with unknown people, for undisclosed reasons (Gay 2015). The desire for privacy conflicts with major values, so it may not win out in the balance. The governments sometimes share private data of a group of individuals considering that they are involved in wrong deeds. For example, if a person is suspected, his picture, home address, email ID, phone number and family information may get shared on the internet and exposed through television. In such circumstances, this individual won’t be able to provide his family with complete privacy and protection. Thus, before doing such things, the governments should always seek written permission. This way, they will help that person maintain his integrity and decency (Talesh 2017). Reputation matters For some people, their reputation is far more important than their life. This is especially the case with individuals working in multinational companies. For example, if an Indian has moved to the United States and is working in a top company, he may not want to share his past records with his employers especially when he was involved in minor controversies. In such circumstances, the government of his native country (India) should help him grow rather than creating a mess for him by exposing those conflicts before media and public uselessly. The chances are that this person will lose his job, and will have to suffer in terms of damaging his reputation abroad. Thus, we can say that privacy allows people to manage their reputation years after years (Gilead 2014). How we are judged based on our private matters can affect our opportunities, behavior, friendships, and the entire personality. It may not be possible for us to control our reputation entirely, but we can still try it, and meanwhile, the government can play its significant role. Protecting reputation of its citizens is the core responsibility of any government. Until or unless there is a serious situation, they should never reveal private data of people (Barakat, Bouna, Nassar, & Guyeux 2016). Knowing personal details doesn’t mean they are free to do whatever they like, and it also doesn’t mean they have the right to destroy anyone’s life without any valid reason. Doing so, the government will allow outsiders to judge their own people in a negative way. They may also judge them out of context or without knowing the actual story (Aplin). Maintaining proper social and economic boundaries Every government has to to maintain appropriate social and economic boundaries by keeping its people’s data safe and by ensuring their protection. People establish their own boundaries within a society; some of them are positive-minded while the others are negative-minded. If the governments breach the privacy of people, then the negative-minded people may get plenty of chances to ruin the reputation of positive-minded people. We all need places of solitude to retreat to; we always need a place where we can sit and relax with our family without any privacy concerns (Barakat, Bouna, Nassar, & Guyeux 2016). Every human sets his own social and economic boundaries and doesn’t want the others to know about that. It is one of his basic rights, and the governments should never breach his privacy. It’s safe to say that privacy helps us manage our boundaries, and allows us to remain within our limits. But when the privacy is breached, then we may have to suffer socially or economically. Also, our relationships with the clients, if any, are likely to be impacted. In other words, we can say that we will encounter different problems in life (Gay 2015). Most of the people don’t want others to know everything about their income, original names or home addresses. In such circumstances, the government should keep the data private...
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