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Fluoride Should Not Be Added To Public Drinking Water Supply

Essay Instructions:

my stance is coming from the point of view that fluoride should not be added to the public drinking water supply. the benefits do not out weigh the hazzards to the public safety.

i need a minimum of 3 sources two were used in my last paper you had written for me. here are the two sources that were used last time;

Works Cited

Alty, Cathleen T. "Filtering out Fluoride: When the Public Questions Fluoridation, the Best Response is Patience." Registered Dental Hygienist, 15 Apr. 2016, www(dot)rdhmag(dot)com/patient-care/article/16409350/filtering-out-fluoride-when-the-public-questions-fluoridation-the-best-response-is-patience.

Peckham, Stephen, and Niyi Awofeso. "Water Fluoridation: A Critical Review of the Physiological Effects of Ingested Fluoride as a Public Health Intervention." The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2014, 2014, pp. 1-10.

Unit 4: Persuasive Essay

Assignment Description:

You will choose a debatable topic, hopefully related to your own interests (academic or personal) and research arguments on that topic. You can use previous research done in this, or other, classes, but the paper must be new.

While you look into ideas that interest you, actively look for where divergent points of view are possible. What opinions are currently held about your topic? Do you agree/disagree with overall ideas or specific statements about your topic? Question what you read as you read it. Start from the larger and go toward the more focused.

You must have a clearly focused thesis backed up by evidence.

Some potential topics you may explore and questions you can consider:

A. Social Media and Smartphones, e.g. Will Social Media Help or Hurt Your College and Career Goals?

B. Technology in Schools and the Future, e.g. Are Self-Driving Vehicles the Wave of the Future?

C. Gender Issues, e.g. Why Aren’t There More Women in Leadership Roles?

D. Business, e.g. Is Amazon Becoming Too Powerful?

E. TV, Movies and Video Games, e.g. Does TV Capture the Diversity of America Yet?

F. Music, Literature and Art, e.g. Do We Still Need Libraries?

G. Health and Nutrition, e.g. Should the Legal Age to Purchase Tobacco Be Raised From 18 to 21?


Start with a question about a topic of academic or personal interest, like should facial recognition software be installed on red light cameras? (Although you can choose a new topic, you are encouraged to build upon the work you did for your Argument Comparison assignment.) One of the goals of your research should be to narrow your topic down to the most manageable breadth possible for this assignment.

Next, consider who your audience is, and who your specific, opposing audience is. Carefully consider the type of evidence this audience would be persuaded by.

Then, begin researching relevant sources that address your position, your audience and your opposition. Three sources are required for this assignment, with at least one being from PCC’s electronic databases.

Finally, begin the steps of writing a “shitty” draft, outlining and strategizing how you order and present information, getting your peer draft and applying feedback to a final revision.

Keep in mind, the outside source material you use should enhance, not dominate your paper. Most of your text should be your own words and ideas, discussing, explaining, and developing your argument. A good way to check that your paper is not over-using source material is to temporarily remove all quotes and paraphrases. The support should, obviously, be weaker, but the paper should still make sense, and it should still make its point.

Your essay should present opposing sides of your issue and the evidence to support your position, both evidence from your knowledge and experience and evidence from the library and/or other outside resources. In addition, you must include the main arguments of opposition to your stance (counter-argument) and your refutation of it. Document all borrowed material, whether quoted or paraphrased, using MLA format.


1. Identify and define your main argument in the essay (thesis): what’re you trying to persuade your audience? Why should they listen to you?

2. Support your argument with reasonable and logical evidence from your sources.

3. Demonstrate knowledge of your topic, your sources and of theoretical ideas discussed in class.

4. Address and refute counter-arguments.

5. Include a Works Cited page that adheres to MLA guidelines. Make sure that all sources are documented appropriately.


This paper must be no more or less than 5-7 pages, typed (Times New Roman, 12pt. Font), and double-spaced. Use 1’’ margins on all sides of the page, and include your last name and a page number in the header of all pages.

Important Dates:

Knowing Your Question and Your Position: Due May 28th

Shitty Draft (at least two pages, handwritten in journal): Due May 30th

Peer Draft (at least three pages, typed, two copies printed): Due June 4th

Peer Workshop: Held on June 6th

Final Draft: June 11th

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Fluoride Should Not be added to Public Drinking Water Supply
Fluoridation of community or artificial water has raised controversial arguments in public health while a significant number of stakeholders supporting as the others arguing against the idea of fluoridation. As the supports for drinking water fluoridation, there are benefits associated with the addition of fluoride compounds in human health. However, a strong objection occurs with scientific proves laid down of the negative impacts associated with the consumption of fluoride compounds by a human being. With the provided evidence, the harms for the fluoridation of drinking water are proven to be more than the benefits especially with reference to human health. In this case, there are many health hazards and dangers associated with fluoridation of drinking water which proves that fluorides and fluoride compounds should not be added to public drinking water supplies as discussed herein.
Fluoride is basically a highly reactive chemical which reacts with both organic and inorganic compounds, with the reactions being considered harmful to the human body. With the research conducted, fluoridation of drinking water is associated with many health hazards. Despite the endorsement and support from different departments of health and health organizations, water fluoridation is still considered dangerous and harmful to human health. The evidence of the impact is clear among the population that uses fluoridated water which affects their teeth and body parts as discussed herein.
Fluorides are basically classified as pollutants rather than nutrients or medicine, which mainly provides the basis of its negative impacts. To start with there is no single person who has ever been hospitalized or noted to develop any health concern due to lack of or insufficient fluoride in the body. Therefore, it cannot be scientifically proven that there is an “adequate daily uptake” of fluorides for human being as allegedly to prevent tooth decay. The major concerns occur when the associated bodies fail to manage to control individuals’ dose of fluorides which results in overdose. Domestically used fluorides are mainly misused as people have no knowledge of the optimum amount they are required to take thus ends up ruining their health. Health report from the Center of Disease Control (CDC) indicates that adults and children are exceeding the set limit of fluoride consumption in drinking water, a situation that has resulted to increased cases of dental fluorosis among US population (Stephen and Awofeso, 2014).
There are a major challenge and complexity in quantifying the rate of fluoride intake in areas with widespread water fluoridation and increased availability of fluoridated products (Food Revolution Network, 2018). For this reason, parents and clinicians are not able to control the amount of fluorides consumed either in fluoridated drinking water or in other products containing fluoride products. For instance, Lowa in United State recorded a 90 percent population who consumed over the recommended upper limit of fluoridated water in a period of 3 months. In another case in the study conducted in the UK, the amount of fluoride in the tea increases the level in water thus becoming beyond the recommended limits. This indicates that people have been consuming fluoride compounds in water beyond the recommended which results in adverse health concerns.
One area of concern that leads to misunderstanding in the consumption of fluoridated water is in the cause of dental carriers. Opposing the supporting argument, dental caries results from bacterial infections affiliated by physical, biological, environmental, behavioral, and lifestyle-related factors. Among these factors include inadequate saliva flow, high consumption of fermentable carbohydrate, lack of access to dental service, poor oral hygiene, malnutrition, and poor feeding habits for infants among other factors. Such factors can be managed and controlled by supplying them as required but not trough fluoridation of water as proposed by some dental clinicians. Consumption of fluoridated water results to dental caries complexity, with major effects experienced among malnourished children as they lack sufficient calcium and enamel hypoplasia. Fluoride-induced brittle teeth are an adverse effect noted with patients consuming industrial fluorides like sodium fluorides as compared to the consumed naturally occurring calcium fluorides. The consumption of fluoridated drinking water is therefore considered to have adverse rather than beneficial effects on human teeth.
There is a significant difference between naturally occurring and added fluorides in water, thus the difference in the impacts they cause in the human body. Naturally occurring has an insignificant effect on human teeth but added fluoride indicates a high risk for occurrence of fluorosis. Due to increased rate of consumption of fluorides in drinking water, the Center of Disease and Control and Prevention have indicated that about 40 percent of adolescents are currently suffering fluorosis due to high intake of fluoridated drinking water (Stephen and Awofeso, 2014 The report indicates that people have died due to fluoride associated poisoning supplied in public drinking water...
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