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Fighting Racism: Examine The Problem Of Racism On Campus

Essay Instructions:

AssignmentFor this paper, you willidentify a socialissue or problem, research that issue, and then write an argument about what can be done to address the issue. You will be writing what is called a Policy Argument, a kind of essay that seeks to move people to some kind of action (intellectual, emotional, and/or physical action). In this paper, you will need to:•identifyand explainyourissuein a way that makes your audience care about it;•propose something you want youraudience to do in order to address the issue;•and justify your proposal (explain to your readers why they should listen to you).Keep in mind that these steps aren’t necessarily listed in order. They are simply things you need todo in the essay.This paper should be 1200 to 1500 words long, or about 4 to 5 pages(not counting the Works Cited page).Types of Policy ArgumentsThere are two types of arguments you couldwrite for this assignment:1.Apractical proposal, which is typically narrow, local, and concrete with a focus on the nuts and bolts of getting something done in the here andnow. Imagine a step-by-step plan for addressing a specific problem.2.Apolicy proposal,which is concerned with thebroad outline and shape of a courseof action, often on a major social problem affecting the common good. Imagine a call to action to get people interested in addressing a problem.Thesis StatementThis paperrequires that you develop a clear and precise thesis statement, which should state what it is you want your target audience to think or do and how this will help the cause for which you are arguing. AudienceYouwill choose your audience for this paper.Research and SourcesYou must use at least 4 outside sources in your essay (you may use more if you need them). These sources must be properly cited using MLA format, and you must include a works cited page.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Institution Affiliation:
Fighting Racism on Campus
Racism may happen in many places and it may exist in several forms which include prejudice, discrimination or hatred at someone because of their ethnicity, place of origin or their color. Sometimes racism is associated with harassment and abuse but it does not always involve these behaviors. It can be revealed through an individual’s actions as well as their attitudes. It is important to note that sometimes racism may not be displayed at all, some forms of racism are not obvious. Racism is present is campuses and in other learning institutions. In schools, racism undermines the psychological and emotional states of the victims and it results to isolation and frustration which certainly negatively affects teacher, students, educational achievements and objectives. This paper will examine the problem of racism on campus, explain its implications and suggest ways through which school administrations may fight racism in the learning institutions.
There is a need for campus administrators to understand the different forms through which racial discrimination may be perpetrated in their institutions. Ordinarily, racism in school may be caused by lecturers, administrators, staff members and students themselves (Free Advice, p.4). Administrator-related discrimination is the most common in most campuses and it results when the school administrators may promote unfairness and inequality by over-penalizing minority students. Additionally, the minority leaners may be suspended or expelled more often than their majority peers.
The teacher-related discrimination may be promoted through discipline matters where particular students may be punished more severely because of their minority status. Most students who suffer here are the African American and Latino students. It is keynoting that some lecturers may also discriminate students through the use of unfair grading favoring White students and disadvantaging students of color. Lecturers may also support racism by allowing discriminatory behavior from students while in the lecture rooms. Student-related racism may result when the leaners make racial slurs and also when they use discriminatory terms that are used to undermine other students (McMenamin, p.3).
School administrators should also focus on addressing the problems of racism in their institutions because it may have several negative impacts on the students, staff and the institution in general. The effects of racism may include poor academic performance for the victims, students who experience racism fall behind in schoolwork and they also register lower results in their exams (Brice, p.2). Additionally, the victims may also have trouble studying and concentrating in class, also their self-esteem may be impacted and are also likely to turn to be aggressive and disruptive.
On the other hand, the lecturers may also get affected by the case of racism in school and thus losing confidence in their ability to teach and their teaching morale is also significantly impacted. Additionally, the whole school may also be impacted in several ways. First, the diverse nature of the school may be seriously affected since students end up interacting with others from the same background (Brice, p.4). It may also create conflict between staff and college staff and students from backgrounds and this creates unfriendly school environment. Failure of the school administrators to address this critical issue it may get to levels which it tarnishes the image of the institution.
The school administrators should listen and focus on this matter and give and deal it with the required levels of seriousness. This is because the blatant expressions of prejudice may seem to have declined in most campuses over the last few decades but the fact is that racism is still evident in the small things that the majority say or do to the minority. In most case, the majority who are the white American students deliver macro-aggressive messages about ...
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