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2 pages/≈550 words
Creative Writing
English (U.S.)
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How Do We Change Environmental Laws To Make Sustainability An Objective For The Entire U.S.?

Essay Instructions:

This week we will discuss environmental economics and policy.

1. Introduction: Provide a brief description of your example and at least two ways it has impacted the environment (think both locally and globally).

2. Discussion: Further discuss your example and its environmental impacts; be specific, use outside research, and cite your sources with correctly formatted in-text citations.You use at least two outside resources (The course textbook does not count as one, though if you do take information from it you must cite it. Do not use Wikipedia as a source).

3. Conclusion: Use your research and your experiences to draw reasonable conclusions; propose solutions when appropriate.

4. References: Cite your sources (make sure they are correctly formatted).

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Institutional Affiliation
Course Title
Environmental Laws
Sustainability development offers a provision for the required framework within which humans will be guaranteed to coexist with nature in harmony rather than taking advantage of the existing environment. However, there is currently no legal foundation in support of sustainability despite the fact that numerous environmental laws are existent (Dernbach, & Joel 531). There should be some rules that govern any given sustainability objective. A perfect example is the legislation that took place in the state of California regarding greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. There was a need to refer to the pre-existing law of 1970- California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The statute’s requirement was for the local government to compile an environmental impact report, which indicated how the greenhouse gas emissions were to be reduced to manageable levels (Dernbach, & Joel 533). The two categories of environmental law are pollution control (where GHGs fall) and remediation/ natural resources’ conservation (hunting of the endangered species or testing of weapons of mass destruction such as atomic bombs) which have the potential to harm the ecosystem.
Studies indicate that there is tag of war between economic growth and the environmental policy. Should there be an increase in economic activity, it is understood that there will be an impact on the environment. A good policy should be in tandem with the expectation of the environment and the economy because the two will either directly or indirectly affect human health or general, wellbeing. Most of the environmental laws in the US affect some specific med...
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