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3 pages/≈825 words
Creative Writing
English (U.S.)
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Enactment of gun control is the anwer. Enactment of Gun Control Lawsa

Essay Instructions:

1. use the persuasive appeals---logos, ethos, and pathos in this writing.

2. What audience will be interested in your ideas on the issue.

3. What type of scholars, stakeholders, decision makers and pundits are interested in/affected by this issue

.4. What sorts of people are likely to be your opponents? Your allies?

5. evoke emotions,9sympathy, outrage, anger, delight, awe, horror)

6. appeal to values

7. use style

8. double spacing --MLA

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Institutional Affiliation
Course Title
Enactment of Gun Control Laws
Gun control laws intended to limit and regulate the selling, buying, and possession of firearms via licensing, registration as well as documentation needs. However, there is a controversy between gun control and the right to possess arms stipulated under the 2nd Amendment to the US constitution. Gun control is essential to create a peaceful environment. Without it, many lives are exposed to various dangers unnecessarily. The issue should not always be solved using violence because various ways can be utilized. People who do not support the enactment of gun control are pro-violence and do not consider the harms that can be there without this control. That is why I am supporting the step as it is a safety measure intended to protect the society from violence initiated by negative-minded individuals.
The Audience That Will Be Interested In the Ideas of Gun Control Enactment
The entire community will be interested in the ideas of control firearms because every person needs to be safe while residing in a peaceful society (Haberman). However, they some member of the society that the issue will be of much interest to them. Some of this persons include the past victims of violence and harms resulting from personal possession of firearms by other people such as criminals or spouses. For example, a man or a woman who, in the past have been injured or their relative harmed by their spouse through shootings will be very keen to follow the thoughts of eliminating private ownership of firearms. Moreover, business people that have been robbed by armed robbers will also be interested in the issue because they want their businesses to be safe. The police departments will also concur with the argument because crime will go down and also the exchange of fire with armed criminal will reduce (Haberman). On the other hand, some people who live in high-risk areas will be keen to follow the issue since when strict gun control measures are enacted, they will be insecure. Therefore, the issue affects the whole society.
Stakeholder Interested In the Issue
The issue about the enactment of gun control laws will mainly touch the judiciary arm of government because it is responsible for interpreting the law as well as decision-making. Therefore, the lawyers will be keen to follow the ideas on the issue because it affects them directly. Moreover, the judges are also included because they have to note the facts and opinion regarding the debate (Pérez-Pe&n...
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