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2 pages/≈550 words
Creative Writing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Differences between USA and China in Governance and Cultural Beliefs

Essay Instructions:

Use your imagination for the topic. Examining the similarities and/or differences between two things; the items being compared should be similar in class/category. (A comparison and contrast essay with a minimum of 500 words)
Comparison and Contrast Rubric
The paper compares and contrasts items clearly. The paper points to specific examples to illustrate the comparison. The paper includes only the information relevant to the comparison.
The paper breaks the information into whole-to-whole, similarities -to-differences, or point-by-point structure. It follows a consistent order when discussing the comparison
The paper moves smoothly from one idea to the next.
The paper uses comparison and contrast transition words to show relationships between ideas. The paper uses a variety of sentence structures and transitions.
Writer makes no errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
A Comparison and Contrast: China and the USA
Every nation globally has unique culture, beliefs, and norms that significantly impact businesses and development at large. In most cases, working or operating the business in a foreign country becomes challenging due to these cultural differences. Geert Hofstede (2011) structured a model that uses six dimensions (individualism, power distance, masculinity, individualism, uncertainty avoidance, and long-term orientation) to analyze culture and governance in varied countries. The analysis in this paper will use the Hofstede model to compare and contrast the mode of governance, lifestyle, and beliefs between the United States of America and China.
Long-Term Orientation
Long-term orientation sees the world as a flux which means it is always prepared to accommodate any future changes. In this case, the current society will use both past and present incidences to prepare for the future. A country with a low score establishes its future by using cultural beliefs and norms. On the contrary, a country with a high score uses current technology and strategies to solve society's problems (Hofstede, 2011). For example, China is an Asian country with a high long-term orientation score which means the country uses technology and current procedures to solve current problems. On the other hand, the USA has a low score, which implies the challenge in using current strategies such as technology to solve problems. Therefore, as per the long-term orientation dimension, societies will always vary.
Masculinity can be described as the extent of social force used in society. For example, men ...
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