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Break-in Curfew

Essay Instructions:
The story is about a 18 year old boy who break curfew. The boy name is Jonathan. Jonathan came in at 1 o'clock in the morning. His curfew is at 10 o'clock. This was on a Tuesday nite. Jonathan is a good boy but run with the bad kids. Jonathon also just turn 18 yrs, and he still gos' to school. The essay need to focus on the good and bad reason why a boy should not be out last. Also some where close to the end you need to put in that his Mom and Dad do love him and trust him.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Break-in Curfew
Jonathan has always been a good boy who on this Tuesday night he came back home at 1 o’ clock, breaking the curfew that had been set by his parents at 10 o’clock. Jonathan had just turned 18 and is still at school. Jonathan has been keeping the wrong company of bad kids. After turning 18, Jonathan may have thought that since he had attained the legal adult age, he had the freedom to do whatever he wanted. He assumed that the curfew no longer held any substance. He had not understood that the only reason his parents had set a curfew was for his own good and they had reasons for it.
The parents had not wanted Jonathan to be out late at night for various reasons. First, it was on a Tuesday, which means it was a school night. Staying out late meant that the boy would not get enough sleep. A good night’s sleep is necessary for everyone and more so for a teenager as lack of sleep has various negative effects. Research has shown that lack of enough sleep negatively affects performance in school due to sleepiness in class and poor concentration, (Carpenter, 2001). Lack of sleep has also been said to cause more than 100, 000 traffic accidents annually due to drowsiness and fatigue. It is for these reasons that a young boy should not be allowed to be out so late at night. The parents are concern about these negative effects being the reason why they have a curfew for him to be at home.
Jonathan should not stay out until late because staying late at night maybe dangerous for a young boy. There are more dangers late at night as the streets are more isolated during the night than they are during the day. There are higher chances of one being victimized during the night than during the day. Most criminals will be engaged in their criminal acts at night. Apart from this, there are dangers of drunken driven accidents which in most cases occur during the night.
‘Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are’, is a famous quote used all over the world. The people that one associates with on a daily basis will in one way or another be reflected in ones character, behavior or attitude (Mass General Hospital for Children, 2010). This is more so for teenagers who want to be accepted by their own friends. Associating ...
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