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Being the other by Melissa Algranati

Essay Instructions:

MY professor wants that essay in that way :Melissa Algranati,in "Being an other,"claims that she is "a member of the most underrepresented group in the country,the 'others.' "do you think Algranati understands the difference between these term?why or why not? Be sure to analyze the way that Algranati has organized her essay.Remember to define important terms in your response.Take a clear position and follow MLA format. In intro paragraph you should have hook,author name and title.Make sure in each body paragraph you have a topic sentence,summary,quote,analysis,thesis and thesis has to be debatable clear about the text ,answer the question,relates to topic sentence .At the end of the essay i need a conclusion.Final essay has to be 4 pages which is due on 24 february by 2 pm, and 1 page for outline which is due on 20 february.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Being the other by Melissa Algranati
We live in a society that is so used to branding people that stereotyping has become a norm. On one hand it is understandable that every other person wants to belong to a certain groups whether at work or in the community where they live. It is all part of being and feeling as part of larger element other than ourselves. However, it is also common to feel that they want to be different even though they want to look like certain people in the society. It is an aspect that denotes the fete of self-realization. Living in America can also give one the same feeling of being the alienated. People are not judged on their deeds and exploits but their origin and skin color. Although much of the discrimination on color is now largely eradicated with strict laws and policies, at the heart of most of the people, there is hate and prejudice. People are used to stereotypes, where some of the skin colors are considered as better and other inferior. Melissa Algranati finds herself in position where she does not feel appreciated due to her skin color. As such she only identifies herself as the others. While some people may see this as an identity crisis that she should have dealt with years ago in her youth, these are legitimate questions and feelings that she has. She is bold enough to point out that although America is taken to be the melting pot of all tribes, color and all manner of differences in ethnicity religion and other aspects, the molten social fabric is never an even mixture. America has come from a dark past where races meant everything including where one lived and where their children went to school, including whether they made it back home if they were not lynched on their way.
Thesis statement: Melissa Algranati’s view of herself as the ‘other’ is legitimate and founded on the social injustices that stem years back, but still have fundamental influence on social stereotyping towards the minorities in America.
Topic sentence: For Algranati, she always felt that she did not belong, and most of the time she feels like the other, not belonging to any race.
Summary: This means that give that she belonged to parents that were minorities and was a half cast, she never knew which race to identify with.
Thesis statement: American is not really a melting pot, but a rough mixture of cultures that do not really blend in well.
Quote: "Throughout my life I don’t think I have really felt completely a part of any group. "
Analysis: this quote is the foundation of the book. Algranati never felt as though she could easily identify with any racial group, given her back ground. The first question that comes to mind is whether she actually understands the aspects of otherness in the states of America. A quick first glance at the American social fabric can easily pass as one coherent community. However, a closer examination will identify the cracks that exist in the society some of which have been there for more than two centuries. Starting with the times of slavery, minority groups in the American society have always been treated with disdain. Sometimes it not as open while other times it is quite obvious it well targeted. From the way the city was planned in the 60s to the judicial systems especially the correction facilities it is quite clear how the system works. Otherwise, nothing else, better explains why majority of the inmates in the correction facilities is made up of the minorities yet the white are the majority in the society.
Transition: According to Algranati, there is always a line separating the races, creating otherness.
Being the other
Topic sentence: For the people that do not come from the white races, they are always regarded as different.
Summary: minority races are always discriminated and treated with disdain, while the whites are taken to be superior.
Thesis statement; coming from a minority race or a combination of the same easily earns one a mark as being the other.
Quote: "Unfortunately, society has not come to terms with a fast-growing population, the ‘others’ "
Analysis: the society is still stuck with the stereotypes that were created in the 60s and 70s when human rights were still foreign, however the social setting have changed and minorities are not rudimentary as they were once. The phrase "Being the other" as established in the book by Algranati hold deep meaning of her identity. At the primary level of trying to understand this phrase is the fact that she was biracial. This means that she was born of two different parents with respect to ethnicity. This can explain why she does not have a way of establishing her identity with any of the races. According to Algranati, she always viewed herself as "Puerto Rican, Egyptian Jew". This way she could observe all the negative impressions that come with being a minority. To develop this aspect further, it is important to note that her father was a Sephardic Jew, while the mother Puerto Rican. Ironically, the author also points out that even though her fat...
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