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Amendments in the Bill of Rights

Essay Instructions:

English Essay Prompt: Choose Three Amendments in the Bill of Rights. You may only choose from Amendments One through Ten. Write on an essay discussing the protections and limitations of each amendment. In the essay for each of the three amendments you choose you must include: 1. Explain what the amendment means. Describe the rights and protections included in the amendment. 2. Give examples of how those rights and protections might be protected by the government. 3. Give examples of how those rights and protections might be violated by the government. 4. Discuss how the rights and protections in the amendments are limited? Essay Format Guidelines: 5 pages Use 12 point font Times New Roman 1 inch margins

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Amendments in the Bill of Rights
First Amendment
The initial ten amendments constitute the bill of rights and they were ratified in December 15, 1791. The first amendment dictates that Congress is not permitted to legislate on laws that praise or prohibit the establishment of a particular religion or restrict the free exercise of speech and media or the right of assembly to people and petitioning the government for reparation of grievances (American Library Association n.p). The part on press and speech liberties means that people are at liberty for expressing their views. It also allows them to receive exposure of a wide array of opinions and perspectives. It is intended to give citizens a chance to exchange ideas even when they may be unpopular. Freedom of assembly and petitioning the government means that citizens are not prohibited from gathering together with others to champion for a common cause. It restricts coercing people to join a particular group. Citizens are also free to file a petition to the government or a lawsuit. It allows citizens to practice their faith or the freedom to have no religious beliefs. The government is also prohibited from endorsing particular religions over others.
Freedom of speech incorporates written, verbal and non-verbal expressions. Such non-verbal expressions include some like sit-ins, art, photographs, films, and advertisements. This amendment allows different media such as televisions, bloggers, radio and other internet based media to distribute a variety of news, facts, opinions, and pictures. It also protects the recipients of such expressions as they have a right to read, hear and see any expression.
Passing laws that establish an official religion are in the amendment’s violation. It is because the amendment safeguards separation of the church and state. It may also violate the amendment by attempting to regulate content of speech. The police move to dispel preachers from distributing religious pamphlets to willing passerby in a public space is a breach to the amendment. It may also be a violation of freedom of speech to prevent citizens from holding signs in the public roadways. This is because all government officials swear to uphold the constitution (American Civil Liberties Union).
The government may limit the rights and protections of the first amendment in certain situations. For instance, it forbids fabricated statements concerning a person meant to damage one’s reputation. It may also in certain circumstances limit obscenity, hateful words and those words that may instigate violence among certain groups of people. The government also reserves the right to dictate the time, place and mode in which people make speech. For instance, it may enforce such measures through requiring activists to secure meeting permits before staging a public rally or protest (Cohen 24).
Second Amendment
The second amendment states that militia that is well regulated is a necessity in ensuring state security, and it protects citizen’s rights to own arms. This amendment has aroused much controversy in regards to whether the right to own firearms is preserve of the militia or it also extends to the public. The amendment protects individuals from the state’s interference on their right to possess guns (National Constitution Center n.p.). The legislature is restricted from interfering with citizen’s right to bear guns. The spirit of the freedom is to insure domestic tranquility, ensure a common defense and promote citizen’s general welfare. It also protects citizens from gun ownership by people that lack credentials for responsible gun ownership (Steinberg 24).
The government through its courts has consistently upheld the rights of individuals to own guns. For instance, following the “Heller” case, the government upholds citizens’ right to have a handgun at home. It is because most Americans use handguns for self-defense and its proscription is unconstitutional (Toobin n.p). The government also protects citizen’s right to store a firearm in a vehicle while in public places such as the university. It protects citizens’ right for self-defense while commuting to and from school. It protects citizens with a concealed weapons permit and firearm’s safety training right to defend themselves (Saunders n.p).
The government violates the second amendment by regulating activities of corporations that sell firearms. This is because the amendment does not remotely mention people that sell or give away guns. This means that the government actions to ban gun stores are in violation of the second amendment. It is because banning legal buyers and licensed dealers from performing gun transactions is illegal (Kopel 230). The government may also violate the second amendment by arresting individuals that carry guns in public areas such as parks. It is unconstitutional to prohibit citiz...
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