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Disability Advocate Assignment Paper: Advocating for Autism

Essay Instructions:

2. How to become an Advocate
If you have a particular disability in mind, the first step is to make contact with someone who organizes volunteers for your particular cause. One of the easiest ways to do this is to use an Internet search engine to locate a group.
For example, if you want to be an advocate for the Lupus Foundation you can visit their website and click on their "Get Involved" tab. Other foundations have similar ways to make contact, such as having "Volunteer" links on the main pages of their website. Alternatively, websites such as AbililtyHub.com provide lists of links to various disability organizations worldwide.
3. Make your plan
You need to write a 5-8 page paper identifying what aspect of disability advocacy you are interested in, and your personal plan to make a difference.
Part 1 -Introduction (1-2 pages)
Identify the topic and write about how it impacts you as an individual, your family, your friends or your community.
Part 2 - Current Status (1–2 pages)
Research and report on advocacy activities that are all already occurring to raise awareness of this issue. Write about the research that is happening and the awareness activities that are happening both globally and locally. How have these research activities and awareness activities changed over the years?
Part 3 -Personal Plan (2 pages)
Identify what activities you would like to participate in, and why you chose those specific activities. What has drawn you to these activities and how do you expect it to change your personal beliefs (or how has it changed you if you have already done of these activities) about individuals with disabilities? What societal change do you think you can make by participating?
Part 4- Ideas for the future (1-2 pages)
In your opinion, what else can be done? What other advocacy can and should be done in this area?
What does society as a whole need to do to make this better for people?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Advocating for Autism
One of the significant disabilities in the U.S. is autism. Bestowing the centers for disease control and Prevention (CDC) data, one in sixty-eight children is having autism, as per 2016 statistics. Moreover, the proportion differs with gender, for instance, one in every forty-two boys has autism compared to girls where one in one hundred and eighty-nine has the condition. Compared to 2012 estimates, the proportion has risen by 30%. Thus, demonstrating autism as a modern malady, that is increasing in American population at a higher rate. There have been debatable questions regarding the disability and its diagnosis. Debates ranging from possible causes, for example, is it genetically transmitted at maternal age to the incapability of diagnosing the condition. Improved awareness has prompted parents to have their kids assessed. Thus, the need to emphasize on the disability especially its causes, diagnosis, impacts on society and treatment.
I had a neighbor who had autism. At that time I didn’t comprehend autism. Though the kid behaved abnormally, I couldn’t think he was sick. Most of the time, we teased him. This was due to his behaviors. Kim, the autistic child, had challenges in social interaction and communication. For instance, he had difficulties to instigate or carry on a conversation. While interacting with others, Kim could lose focus on the topic and shift to other activities. He never understood how to interact collaboratively and in an engaging manner. He had difficulties to make friends. At times, Kim could make repetitive body movements. Although, it seemed monotonous he never gave up. When he reached the schooling age, Kim didn’t go to school. Fellow bullies could even beat him up. However, as youngsters, we used to laugh and mock, because we didn’t understand his condition. The trend continued until one day my uncle who had visited us busted me laughing at Kim. On learning his condition, my uncle beat me up and went to the extent of telling my parents. My parents in turn explained the condition and advised me to go and ask Kim for forgiveness. Surely that marked the end of my laughing behaviors.
It has been a long time since I witnessed Kim’s behavior but still I recall them as if they happened last week. When I remember what we used to do, I feel guilt. At times I feel that I was in a position to help Kim, but I failed. And not only failed but even abused the disabled. But, how I could I know? Were it not for my parents who told me Kim had autism I could have taken a long time to acknowledge the condition. However, with the current knowledge I have gained, today I can advocate for the disorder. Perhaps the motif behind this drive is Kim’s experience. I do feel that some autistic kids are out there suffering due to lack of knowledge and proper guidance on how to care for people with autism.
Current Status
The term ‘advocacy’ is applied in areas both inside and outside the field of science. In English, it defined as active support. Thus, advocating for a disability like autism refers to a process intended to make a positive change. Henceforth, it constitutes of a range of movements taken to draw attention to a problem of concern. These actions vary from service providers, policy makers to services that turn the society into a better position. An example of autism advocacy organization is the Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN). A nonprofit association run by and for autistic individuals. The ASAN was formed to provide care services and support to people with autism. Its activities comprise advocating, for better policies, respect for individuals with autism, better life quality oriented research especially for individuals with autism and promoting the growth of autistic social activities.
ASAN is striving to connect family members, friends, sel...
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