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Write Two Pages Of Response, And Analysis Style Of Paper

Essay Instructions:

Read a journal, and write two pages of response, and analysis style of paper.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Response Analysis
It is convincible to state that the article What Popular Films Teach Us about Values: Locked inside with Rage Virus by Barry Brummett plays a major role in shaping out an individual’s understanding of the term value. In addition, the article also tends to challenge the wider conception within the public domain that values can only be invoked to audiences or publics linguistically. The basic argument that Brummett puts across in his article that is likely to transform an individual’s perception on how values can be conceived by human beings within a given society is that even some non-literal works have succeded over time in invoking some values on human. For instance, in the article, Brummett explains how a picture of can be used to invoke a value of education to an audience the same way spoken words can be used to do so. This paper shall therefore focus on analyzing how the author of the above-mentioned article highlights how non-literal work especially in films are used to invoke values on various audiences.
To start with, the author agrees that values are rhetorical and are also centrally implicated through education (Brummett, p 62). However, he does not state the limit of implicating values through education to be only in linguistic form. Instead, he does go ahead and to give an example from the film Quarantine on how the value of respecting the authority is invoked to the audience through the show. This is when an officer is forced to shoot one of the urban dwellers who was trying to escape from the apartment with the rabies outbreak as a way of preventing further outbreak of diseases. From this context, it is clear that the audience of the film gets to embrace the importance of respecting the authority with the knowledge that whatever the authorities are doing, they are for the good of the public. The above illustration therefore supports Brummett argument that as much as a value can be implicated through education, it does not necessarily has to be in literary works.
The other interesting argument by the author of the article on how films are used to invoke values among audiences is seen in his perspective about homologies. Brummett argues that through homologies, the films tend to create a sense of connection among various experiences, which in turn addresses or invokes certain values among the audience (Brummett, p 64). This argument is more likely to be the reason why there are some sort of divisions ...
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