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Highlighting One Concept Idea Argument: Piracy As Theft

Essay Instructions:

A reading response is a short synthesis paper (3-4 pages, double spaced, font size 12, Times

New Roman) highlighting one concept, idea, and/or argument, etc., that the authors

discuss, compelling or even problematic, and compare how these authors tackle this

concept—whether they complement, contradict, or build on up each other. You may

also discuss how this particular concept connects to larger themes discussed in the

course. Do not merely state your opinion, but

support your argument by citing from the text. Use MLA citations.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Reading Response
The article mainly focuses on piracy and efficiently highlighted that piracy networks can be considered as a significant part of the informal sector of the economy which is mostly unregulated, unmeasured and not taxed. Lobato (16) stated that pirated commodities are not technically illegal; however, the illegality of these products is typically functional of their reproduction and also when they are sold to consumers. This paper will discuss the concept of piracy as theft and associate this idea with other thoughts involving piracy.
Piracy as Theft
In this concept, it is important to note that intellectual property is usually defined by its creativity which is a huge form of capital. The author highlighted that copyright is an important regulatory mechanism which controls this property system and makes sure that markets remain consistently healthy and all levels of safeguard measures are maintained for intellectual property holders (Lobato 20). These levels of protections are typically extended towards other property owners such as car owners. From this viewpoint, the copyright of a product should be protected and also legislatively supported and pedagogically entrenched. However, when piracy is analyzed, it is usually imagined as a harmful act of social and economic deviance (Lobato 20).
Writers such as Pat Choate represent this conventional concept of piracy which is directly linked with mainstream political and legal thought throughout the west. The article further highlighted conclusively that in the film industry, this concept of piracy is best portrayed by the Motion Pictures Association of America (Choate 20). The antipiracy activities of this establishment have been most successful and have led to the emergence of peer-to-peer technologies. Such innovations have led to the virtual eradication of large-scale commercial film piracy especially in countries such as Canada, the noted States, Australia and in most parts of Western Europe (Choate 20).
Jack Valenti, who was the former president of the Motion Pictures Association of America, has been extremely vocal in denouncing acts of piracy. This individual was initially a lobbyist and has contributed remarkably towards numerous legal landmarks including the unsuccessful 1984 Sony Corporation Versus Universal City Studio case. This was also known as the Betamax case. The primary focus of the case was to eradicate the home video industry which started becoming highly successful; however, it went against the much-maligned Digital Millennium Copyright Act in 1998.
During the Betamax case, Valenti constantly referred to piracy as a pandemic which robs intellectual property industries of what truly belongs to them. Valenti also made numerous connections between piracy operations and terrorist groups such as the Al-Qaeda and the IRA (Govil 21). In regards to this concept, the MPAA’s fight against piracy has led to the development of the idea of ethics of copyright in a worldwide mindse...
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