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The Power of Advertising in Mad Men's "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes"

Essay Instructions:

This paper asks you to look closely at a sequence of your choice from one of the television shows we’ve watched together and then make an argument about the work it is doing. Your argument should focus on your sequence (and ideally, the sequence serves as an example of a larger theme or issue that you see as important in the show). You will do a shot list and then ground your essay in that initial work. Your paper should address one of the following prompts, or a prompt of your choosing that you run by me and your TA:

How does your show imagine the relationship between technology/television and place--the apartment, the suburb, the city, etc.?

How does your show imagine and/or define a connection between landscape/setting and gender and/or race? What does it look like and what work does it do?

A prompt/question you develop that you run by Dr. Bronstein and your TA.

The goals are to hone your skills in visual analysis and practice written argumentation. Please read through the entire assignment!

Shot list & Topic:

Pick 10-15 consecutive shots from Mad Men episode 1 (“Smoke Gets in Your Eyes”)(it must be from the assigned episodes). (https://www(dot)meijuwo(dot)net/play/5974-1-1/)

Paper Requirements:

500-600 words (please include your word count)

A close reading thesis/argument about your sequence and supported by evidence (details from your sequence) and analysis of those details (your evidence in this paper should come directly from your shot list!)

Include 1-2 images (i.e. screenshots) from the TV show you are writing about. These shots should be from the sequence you are analyzing.

Clear paragraph structure, where each paragraph moves your argument forward and makes a new point. (you can use the AXES model)

Avoid generalizations and be specific! Your papers should position your show within the historical context provided by readings and lecture and avoid making claims about “audiences” or other such generalizations.

Hone your voice and perspective in this paper.

Works cited list (NO outside research)

An original title & subtitle

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student's Name:
Professor's Name:
The Power of Advertising in Mad Men's "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes"
The Mad Men series portrays the 1960s advertising industry and its impact on American society. The first episode, "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes," explores the relationship between technology and place through cinematography, sound, and visual elements (McLuhan 2). This paper will argue that the show imagines the relationship between technology/television and place as one of manipulation and control, where the power dynamics between individuals are reshaped through technology and the spaces they inhabit. The sequence selected for analysis is from minute 25:00 to minute 31:00 of the episode, where Don Draper (Jon Hamm), the creative director of Sterling Cooper, presents a pitch for a new tobacco account. The following shot list details the sequence:
* Wide shot of the conference room, where Draper is presenting his pitch.
* Close-up shot of Draper's hand holding a lighter.
* Close-up shot of Draper lighting a cigarette.
* Close-up shot of Draper taking a puff and blowing smoke.
* Close-up shot of the clients' faces, intrigued by the pitch.
* Close-up shot of Draper's face, looking confident and in control.
* Medium shot of Draper holding the cigarette and talking to the clients.
* Wide shot of the conference room, showing Draper as the center of attention.
* Close-up shot of Draper's face, emphasizing his persuasive skills.
* Close-up shot of Draper taking a puff and blowing smoke.
* Close-up shot of Draper holding the cigarette, emphasizing his control over it.
* Close-up shot of the clients' faces, showing their agreement with the pitch.
* Medium shot of Draper talking to the clients and emphasizing his control.
* Wide shot of the conference room, showing Draper ...
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