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Some Narratives Of Personal Experience: Using Labov’s Framework

Essay Instructions:

REMINDER: I expect an average of 2-3 pages, typed, double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font per project. If you have a lot less than that, be sure to include as many examples as possible to back up your general claims. Be sure to number your lines in all transcripts, and refer to specific line #s in your analysis.

I. Elicit some narratives of personal experience from one or more of your friends. Try using one of these prompts: 1. Tell me about the last time you (almost) got in a fight; 2. Tell me about the scariest thing that has ever happened to you (or when you felt your life was in danger); 3. Tell me about the most interesting/funny/scary travel experience you’ve ever had.

II. Record and transcribe one of these stories (do a simple transcription, no need to use a key or represent prosody).

Using Labov’s framework (Cameron, p.153; Labov, pp.227-234 [on iLearn]), divide this story into as many of Labov’s 5 functional sections as you can (many stories don’t have #1 or #5). 

III. Finally, write at least 2 pages describing: 1. What kind of person does the narrator present him/herself as in this story? (i.e, does it ‘make them look good’?); 2. Label all the narrative clauses and free clauses – what function(s) do the free clauses play? can they be placed anywhere in the story? Is there anything else you notice that either confirms or contradicts Labov's analytic framework? 

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Narrative Analysis * Abstract- Me and Jake have been at it for some time now * Abstract- We happened to fall for this chic, Jane. She fine as hell * Abstract-Last week on the football team I did not list him on the squad and he was not happy about it * Orientation- But what was I supposed to do, he is not as good as Mark * Orientation-Jake is fast we get it, but he is sloppy as hell * Orientation-He is losing the ball left right and center * Action- We can’t have that on the qualifier, I had to let him go. * Resolution-Last Wednesday my brother tells me that they met on the library and he shoved him aside * Resolution-I get the you are mad at me, but dude, don’t drag my brother into this * How does that? * Evaluation -I will literally break your legs. * Evaluation-So we met on the basketball court on the weekend * Evaluation-When I confronted him, he said he didn’t know nothing about it * Coda-I could have let him have it right there but I decided to let him go with just a warning * Coda-If he dares my brother again I will not be so kind. Analysis The narrator is a clearly presenting himself as the hero in the story. There is some element of painting a picture of how noble he is relative to the way he ends his story. Ideally he wants to show the audience that he held the higher ground and as such should be held to a higher standard than the other characters in his narration. He had the resolve to avoid beating down Jake, despite the fact that the latter had threatened his brother. He is also seen to state that he let Jake off with a warning. This is to show the power that he holds in the situation, other than the fact that he also controls who is on the football team. This is to show that he was an authoritative figure in his right capable of leading a football team and...
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