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Corporate Level Strategy- Beyond Meat

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Hi, its me again. please use the concepts in Chapter6-10 this time. I send you the whole project but you just need to work on "Part 3", there are some information about this company in the first two parts, I think they might help you to work on Part 3. Before you start to work on this part you need take a look for Chapter 6. We already list some outlines, you can take a look, but you do not need to follow all things. I will updates what my team members do these days, and also I hope you can give me a draft on Saturday or Sunday if it is possible, thank you so much.

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Corporate Level Strategy- Beyond Meat
Successful organizations are not only ambitious but are always looking out for opportunities to improve their performances, productivity and overall productivity. They are continuously scanning the market for ways of reducing their costs without compromising on the quality of their products and services and consequently, succeed in increasing their returns. They are innovative and consult extensively on how to improve their products to meet changing consumer tastes and preferences. Successful entities are also wise and calculative in the sense that they know the right moments to forge alliances and mergers. Similarly, they also know when to expand their operations into foreign territories or diversify their product and service portfolio’s without the risk of making losses. These facts shared above exhibited by entities keen on success all describe the aspect of corporate-level strategy. In a nutshell, corporate-level strategy refers to the “big-picture” view of a company not just in terms of the products or services to compete in but even the geographical regions to venture into. Beyond Meat is one notable firm keen on success and which should effectively and efficiently examine and analyze its corporate-level strategy to compete in the hostile business environment.
Overview of Corporate-Level Strategy
A corporate level strategy is a fundamental component that helps a company to outline its goals and objectives for the following year. From Hint et al. perspective, “Corporate level strategy addresses the entire strategic scope of the firm. It is a “big picture” view of the organization and includes deciding in which, product or service markets to compete and in which, geographic regions to operate” (p.178). Based on the above statement, it is evident that corporate level strategy is built of strategic decision making inclined towards the determination of not only a firms overall scope but also its direction. Entities that engage in corporate level strategy purpose to gain competitive advantage through various ways including stability, expansion, retrenchment, and combination strategy.
Understanding Beyond Meat’s Portfolio of Businesses and Examination on how it Creates Value with its Corporate Level Strategy
Beyond Meat is a strategic business that was established to take advantage of the global migration towards the adoption of healthy lifestyles. It is involved in the production and sell of plant-based foods and has over the years kept to its promise of making their products cheaper than animal protein. With plant-based eaters now accounting for at least 8% of the global population and over 70% of the individuals worldwide cutting down on meat consumption, Beyond Market is assured of a growing market for the foreseeable future. Similarly, the company continues to enjoy immense success because it not only target vegans but also meat-eaters who occasionally want to healthier and high quality diets. The latter are also known as flexitarians.
Beyond Market have the following products in its portfolio: Beyond breakfast sausages, Beyond burger, Beyond Beef, and Beyond Beef Burgers among others (Beyond Meat - Go Beyond® n.p). These products are sold in over 17000 groceries and more than 12000 eateries worldwide. Since it was established 11 years ago, the company has employed smart and effective corporate level strategies that have seen it cement its position as a leader in the plant-based foods segment. To begin with, it employed the stability strategy because it was doing reasonably well in the foods segment its operating. The strategy was adopted mainly because the firm was keen on incremental improvement of its functional performance. From Braun perspective, “An organization adopts the stability strategy when it aims at an incremental improvement of its functional performance but marginal changes to one or more of its businesses in terms of their respective customer groups, customer functions or alternative technologies are required” (p.9). The management also deemed the stability strategy as being less risky particularly during the initial phases of the company’s existence.
Secondly, Beyond Meat has also adopted the expansion strategy a...
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