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2 pages/≈550 words
Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
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Shein: Online Clothing Company

Essay Instructions:

You will number your responses and provide a short paragraph to answer these questions.

Step 1 (10 points) - What are the products or services you will be reviewing? Explain why you have chosen these products or services.

Step 2 (10 points) - You will identify 2 items. One will be the primary one you'll be reviewing and the other will be your secondary products or services you'll be reviewing. These will be things from you Niche.

Step 3 (10 points) - Give an estimate average sales price of each one. Think in terms of someone cashing out at your register, what do you think the average sales price will be?

Step 4 (10 points) - Identify some of the sellers of these products/services that you will be using the reviews.

Step 5 (10 points) - Do they pay Affiliate Marketing fees and what are they?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Identify the Products/Services of My Online Clothing Company
Institution Affiliation
Identify the Products/Services of My Online Clothing Company
For this assignment, I will be reviewing my online clothing store Shein.com. Their products provide quality, color reflections, textures, and are convenient for all its target customers. I chose the Shein products as they are popular, and their marketing tactic works for everyone. Further, they are relatively cheaper and all kinds of products are available from almost all parts of the world. Notably, I have used Shein clothes for the longest time possible and they have everything for any occasion from weddings to a funeral. This makes it the most convenient store one can get from the comfort of their home and cheaper. Further, they have frequent promotional offers, which makes their customers ready for purchase even when they do not need the products. Also, Shein’s business model is waste sensitive which makes it my choice company compared to its competitors. Their production does not include a single design but rather batches of 100 items per given product ( Shein. Com.2023)
The primary products for Shein.com are women's wear and men's are secondary items. Shein sells an array of products from summer wear, necklaces, bracelets, winter wear, and shoes for men. They give their customers a choice they can easily use and use marketing design that tells a story about their customers and product. According to research, women tend to shop more compared to men and with emotions (Herter et al., 2014). This means that if the product is good and of good quality, women will be loyal shoppers. Being a consumer of their product, women's wear is more advertised and always on ...
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