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2 pages/≈550 words
Business & Marketing
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Faster movement in businesses

Essay Instructions:
Write a 500 word essay based specific ways in which the internet has changed the way businesses operate in the global marketplace, for example global wage arbitrage. Issues of global regulation and oversight might form the basis for an essay; likewise, increased sales opportunities or decreased costs might form the basis for your essay. Please note that essays do NOT require citations, nor do they require a works cited section. Here's a Google search string to get you started: ways in which the internet has changed the way businesses operate in the global marketplace Please keep in mind that this essay represents your opinions, so there are no right or wrong answers per se. For grading purposes, the key factors are the word count (500 required), correct submission in the appropriate format, and effective writing. Ground rules for your essay: Each essay must be entirely your own individual original work. Of course copying someone else's essay is completely unacceptable. The essay must be neatly typed, spell checked, and submitted in an appropriate format through Blackboard. You should write in as simple, clear, and direct a manner as possible. Your essay should make specific points without rambling. 500 words is the required length. Anything less - even one word less - will result in a deduction of points. Essays turned in after the due date will lose all credit (will receive a zero). Only submissions using Blackboard will be accepted! Submissions MUST be in Microsoft Word (*.doc, *.docx) or plain text (*.txt) format
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Technology has drastically improved over the past years. As businesses activities progress so does the organizations which are made more efficient as a result. Internet connections have paved way for new ways of communication, enabling businesses to operate and communicate across borders with ease. Collaboration helps companies to become more creative, and connect to individuals and other businesses in a better way. Internet has changed the way businesses operate in the global market in various ways. These include:
Faster movement in businesses
It is evident that internet technology has made businesses move in a faster mode than ever before. For instance, devices such as laptops, ipods, internet and personal computers have changed the way we operate at our work places. Faxes and memos have been substituted by email interactions. The smartphone has enabled individuals to connect with other peers while outside the office. All these devices have paved way for a faster way of communicating within and outside an organization. As a result, streamlining operations and organizational bureaucracy have been replaced by automation of task systems and workflows. In addition, speed acts as an added value in technology which as a result adds responsiveness and flexibility to interactions.
World-wide collaborations
Internet has made it possible for distant groups and teams to meet from any parts of the world virtually. Technology in form of skype, instant messaging, email, videoconferencing, cloudcomputing have all made it possible for geographically-distant companies and organizations to communicate. In addition, social networks like Facebook, Linked-in and twitter have enabled enterprises to connect to large businesses networks. Therefore, there results to a broad range and blend of viewpoints, abilities, talents and great productivity experienced.
The market place has been flattened
Internet access has reduced unnecessary boundaries across markets and as a result it has en...
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