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NYTimes: How The Twinkie Made the Super-Rich Even Richer

Essay Instructions:

Your log should connect the content to your current life and future career. Simply summarizing the articles, panel or event is not acceptable. Instead, a single log should answer the following questions:

1. What were the major points you thought were most important? (There is no need for a long summary. A maximum of one paragraph is appropriate for recounting the major points.)
2. What are your personal reactions to the content? Did an element of the content excite, surprise or upset you? Did it change your perception of business? How will you use this content in your own life?
3. How does the content relate to that of the textbook?
4. Use some proofreading.

Marketplace: "JCPenney CEO Marvin Ellison on the art of retail" (audio podcast discussing how JCPenney performs market research and structures their products and promotions to match these data), http://www(dot)marketplace(dot)org/2016/11/22/business/corner-office-marketplace/jcpenney-ceo-marvin-ellison-art-retail
NYTimes: "How the Twinkie Made the Super-Rich Even Richer", http://www(dot)nytimes(dot)com/2016/12/10/business/dealbook/how-the-twinkie-made-the-super-rich-even-richer.html
NYTimes: "The Big Companies That Avoid Taxes" (a discussion of tax management) https://www(dot)nytimes(dot)com/2016/10/18/opinion/the-big-companies-that-avoid-taxes.html
NYTimes: "Why Raising Interest Rates Has Been Such a Tough Call for the Fed" (By KEVIN GRANVILLE and BINYAMIN APPELBAUM UPDATED September 21, 2016); http://www(dot)nytimes(dot)com/interactive/2016/business/economy/fed-raise-interest-rates-explained.html

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Log 3
In the podcast, the CEO of JCPenney, Marvin Ellison is interviewed about the art of managing a retail store. From the interview, it is evident observation helps the firm attend to the needs of the customers better. Observation also helps Ellison identify the problems the staff members may face as they serve customers. The aim is to make the work environment better for the employees. Being brand ambassadors of the company by wearing its clothing is an important aspect that Elisson talks about. Defining the consumers that the company target is imperative. Aligning the store and its products to the consumer trends is also significant. Major competitors of JCPenney are also mentioned. Elisson notes that it is his responsibility as well as that of the board of directors to develop a strategic plan for the firm’s long-term financial benefit.
I am impressed by the podcast episode because it covers important business aspects that I have learned such value proposition, strategic plans, and focus on customer needs. Most of the contents covered in the episode such as focusing on customer needs, workplace environment, competition, strategic plans, offering value, and competition are covered in the book.
NYTimes: "How the Twinkie Made the Super-Rich Even Richer"
The article examines how executives in public traded private equity companies take home huge earnings compared to executives in other sectors. While the strategy of financing failed companies helps the executives earn huge amounts of money, its contribution to workforce as well as the economy is debatable. The workers do not share in the gains made as a result of revival since the new firm employs only a fraction of the initial workers. The article also talks about the relationship between private equity and pension funds. The acquisition of failed firms also affects the union contracts set ...
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